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NOTICE Date: TO: ADDRESS: Street Address City State Zip Code You are hereby notified that you are indebted to me in the sum of $ , for the rent and use of the premises at , , Hillsborough County, Florida, now occupied by you, and that I demandpayment of the said rent or possession of said premises within three (3) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays)from the date of delivery of this notice, to wit; on or before the day of , . (NOTE : This notice may not apply to Mobile Home Parks. (See Statute 723.061 1(a)). (Landlord) (Address) (City) (State) (Telephone) I certify I delivered this notice to the above-addressed person(s) in the manner indicated below on : (Date) ( ) Hand delivered to ; (Persons name) ( ) Left at the leased premises, in the absence of the tenant(s); or ( ) Sent by first class mail (add 5 days to payment deadline if mailed). (Signature of person delivering notice) COCV1121 (03-01-05) American LegalNet, Inc.