Complaint For Eviction (Termination Of Lease Election)
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Complaint For Eviction (Termination Of Lease Election) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Santa Rosa Local County.
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Tags: Complaint For Eviction (Termination Of Lease Election), Florida Local County, Santa Rosa
IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA ___________________________________ PLAINTIFF ____________________________ Case No. -VS___________________________________ DEFENDANT ____________________________ Division COMPLAINT FOR EVICTION (TERMINATION OF LEASE ELECTION) Plaintiff(s), ______________________________, sues Defendant(s) ____________________________________ 1. This is an action to evict a tenant from real property in Santa Rosa County, Florida. 2. Plaintiff(s) owns the following described real property in said county: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (Street Address of Rental Property) 3. Defendant(s) has possession of the property under a/an (oral/written) agreement to pay rent of $________________payable each ______________________________________. (Rental Amount) (Monthly, Weekley, 1st Day of the Month, etc.) A copy of the written agreement, if any is attached. 4. Plaintiff(s) elected to terminate the (oral/written) agreement and served Defendant(s) with a written notice on ____________________, 20 ________. A copy of the notice is attached. 5. Defendant(s) has failed to deliver possession of the premises to the Plaintiff. Wherefore, Plaintiff demands judgment for possession of the property against the Defendant(s). __________________________________ Plaintiff, Attorney or Agent __________________________________ Address __________________________________ __________________________________ City, State, Zip Phone American LegalNet, Inc.