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IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. ________________________________ [insert case number assigned by Clerk of the Court] ____________________________________________ [insert name of Landlord/owner] Plaintiff, Vs. ____________________________________________ [insert name of Tenant] Defendant. FINAL JUDGMENT � DAMAGES THIS ACTION came before the Court upon Plaintiff's Complaint for unpaid rent. On the evidence presented, it is ADJUDGED that the Plaintiff, ___________________________[insert Landlord's name], whose principal address is ____________________________________________ [insert Landlord's address], recover from the Defendant, __________________________________ [insert Tenant's name], whose principal address is ______________________________________ [insert Tenant's address], the sum of $_______________ with costs in the sum of $______________, making a total of $___________, that shall bear interest at the legal rate established pursuant to section 55.03, Florida Statutes, for all of which let execution issue. DONE AND ORDERED in St. Lucie County, Florida on ____________________________. ________________________________ COUNTY JUDGE cc: ___________________________________ [insert name of Landlord] ________________________________________________ [insert name of Tenant] American LegalNet, Inc.