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Sheriffs Ofc Domestic-Repeat Dating-Sexual Violence Worksheet Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in St Lucie Local County.
Tags: Sheriffs Ofc Domestic-Repeat Dating-Sexual Violence Worksheet, Florida Local County, St Lucie
CASE NO. ____________________
General Information
1. How are you related to the Respondent: _________________________________________
2. If you are married to the Respondent, what is the date of your marriage:________________
3. Have you suffered physical domestic or repeat violence from the Respondent:___________
4. Was a law enforcement officer called as a result of Dom/Rep/Date violence:___________________
5. If Yes, was a report written:_____________ When was it filed:_______________________
6. Was an arrest made:__________ If yes, when was the Respondent arrested: ____________
7. Give names & ages of any minor children between you and the Respondent:
8. IMPORTANT: Who is in physical possession of the minor child(ren) at this time: Please
check one: Petitioner ___________, Respondent: __________, Other: ______________.
Petitioner Information
Cell Ph# ____________________________
1. Name: ________________________________ Phone # ____________________________
2. Home Address: _____________________________________________________________
3. Place of Emp & Add: ________________________________________________________
4. Date of birth: ____________________ Race: _____________ Gender: ________________
Hgt: __________ Wgt: __________ Eye Color: __________ Hair Color: ______________
Respondent Information
Cell Ph# _____________________
1. Name: ______________________________________ Phone# ______________________
2. Home Address: _____________________________________________________________
3. Place of Emp & Add: ________________________________________________________
4. Work days & hours: ____________________________ Wk Phone # __________________
5. Date of birth (or approx age): __________________
Race: _________ Gender: ________
6. Height: __________ Weight: ___________ Eye color: _________ Hair: ______________
7. Scars or tattoos: ____________________________________________________________
8. Other address where Respondent may be found:___________________________________
9. Does the Respondent own any weapons? ______ If yes, what type?___________________
10. Description of Respondent’s vehicle: ____________________________________________
American LegalNet, Inc.