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Articles Of Dissolution Prior To Commencement Of Business (Florida Profit Corporation) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Corporations Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Dissolution Prior To Commencement Of Business (Florida Profit Corporation), CR2E012a, Florida Secretary Of State, Corporations
FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS Section 607.1401, Florida Statutes, provides for the dissolution of a corporation that has not issued shares or commenced business. The document must be typed or printed and must be legible. Pursuant to section 607.0123, Florida Statutes, a delayed effective date may be specified but may not be later than the 90th day after the date on which the document is filed. NOTE: A Notice of Corporate Dissolution form is attached. This notice pursuant to s. 607.1407, F.S. is optional and is not required when filing a dissolution. No additional fee is required if it is included. FEES: Articles of Dissolution Certified Copy (optional) Certificate of Status (optional) $ 35.00 (Includes a letter of acknowledgment) $ 8.75 $ 8.75 Send one check in the total amount made payable to the Florida Department of State. Please include a letter containing your telephone number, return address and certification requirements, or complete the attached cover letter. Mailing Address: Amendment Section Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314 Street Address: Amendment Section Division of Corporations Clifton Building 2661 Executive Center Circle Tallahassee, FL 32301 For further information, you may contact the Amendment Section at (850) 245-6050. CR2E012A (4/15) American LegalNet, Inc. COVER LETTER TO: Amendment Section Division of Corporations SUBJECT: DOCUMENT NUMBER: The enclosed Articles of Dissolution and fee are submitted for filing. Please return all correspondence concerning this matter to the following: (Name of Contact Person) (Firm/Company) (Address) (City/State and Zip Code) For further information concerning this matter, please call: at ( (Name of Contact Person) Enclosed is a check for the following amount: ) (Area Code & Daytime Telephone Number) $35 Filing Fee $43.75 Filing Fee & $43.75 Filing Fee & $52.50 Filing Fee, Certificate of Status Certified Copy (Additional copy is enclosed) Certificate of Status & Certified Copy (Additional copy is enclosed) MAILING ADDRESS: STREET ADDRESS: Amendment Section Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314 Amendment Section Division of Corporations Clifton Building 2661 Executive Center Circle Tallahassee, FL 32301 American LegalNet, Inc. ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION Pursuant to section 607.1401, Florida Statutes, this Florida profit corporation submits the following articles of dissolution: FIRST: The name of the corporation as currently filed with the Florida Department of State: SECOND: THIRD: FOURTH: The document number of the corporation (if known): The file date of the articles of incorporation: (CHECK AT LEAST ONE BOX) None of the corporation's shares have been issued. The corporation has not commenced business. FIFTH: SIXTH: No debt of the corporation remains unpaid. The net assets of the corporation remaining after winding up have been distributed to the shareholders, if shares were issued. Adoption of Dissolution (CHECK ONE) SEVENTH: A majority of the incorporators authorized the dissolution. A majority of the directors authorized the dissolution. Signature: (By a director, president or other officer - if directors or officers have not been selected, by an incorporator - if in the hands of a receiver, trustee, or other court appointed fiduciary, by that fiduciary.) (Typed or printed name of person signing) (Title of Person Signing) Filing Fee: $35 American LegalNet, Inc. ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION Pursuant to section 607.1403, Florida Statutes, this Florida profit corporation submits the following articles of dissolution: FIRST: The name of the corporation as currently filed with the Florida Department of State: SECOND: THIRD: The document number of the corporation (if known): The date dissolution was authorized: Effective date of dissolution if applicable: (no more than 90 days after dissolution file date) Note: If the date inserted in this block does not meet the applicable statutory filing requirements, this date will not be listed as the document's effective date on the Department of State's records. FOURTH: Adoption of Dissolution (CHECK ONE) Dissolution was approved by the shareholders. The number of votes cast for dissolution was sufficient for approval. Dissolution was approved by the shareholders through voting groups. The following statement must be separately provided for each voting group entitled to vote separately on the plan to dissolve: The number of votes cast for dissolution was sufficient for approval by (voting group) Signature: (By a director, president or other officer - if directors or officers have not been selected, by an incorporator - if in the hands of a receiver, trustee, or other court appointed fiduciary, by that fiduciary) (Typed or printed name of person signing) (Title of person signing) Filing Fee: $35 American LegalNet, Inc. Notice of Corporate Dissolution This notice is submitted by the dissolved corporation named below for resolution of payment of unknown claims against this corporation as provided in s. 607.1407, F.S. This "Notice of Corporate Dissolution" is optional and is not required when filing a voluntary dissolution. Name of Corporation: Date of dissolution will be the date the dissolution is filed with the Department of State or as specified in the Articles of Dissolution. Description of information that must be included in a claim: Mailing address where claims can be sent: (Claims cannot be sent to the Division of Corporations) A claim against the above named corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within 4 years after the filing of this notice. Printed Name of the Person Filing Signature of the Person Filing Fee: No charge if included with Articles of Dissolution. If filed separately $35.00 American LegalNet, Inc.