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Order On Motion For Civil Contempt For Relocation And-Or Return Of Child(ren) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Family Law Statewide.
Tags: Order On Motion For Civil Contempt For Relocation And-Or Return Of Child(ren), 12.950(h, Florida Statewide, Family Law
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE _____________________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ______________________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No: ________________________ Division: ________________________ _________________________________, Petitioner, And _________________________________, Respondent. ORDER ON MOTION FOR CIVIL CONTEMPT FOR RELOCATION AND/OR RETURN OF CHILD(REN) A Motion was filed by _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent for Civil Contempt for Improper Relocation and/or Return of the Minor Child(ren), and the Court finding as follows: 1. _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent has relocated with the parties' minor child(ren) more than 50 miles from the child(ren)'s principal place of residence at the time of the entry of the last order establishing or modifying the parenting plan or time-sharing schedule and the relocation places the child(ren) more than 50 miles away from either parent or other person entitled to access, timesharing or visitation; a. _____ Contrary to a court order or judgment entered on {date} _______________, by this Court; b. _____ Contrary to a court order or judgment entered on {date}__________________, by {court, city, and state}__________________________________________________________________. The order of the Court required the other party in this case to do or not do the following: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. c. _____ Contrary to the relocation procedures set forth in Section 61.13001, Florida Statutes. 2. _____ Petitioner _____Respondent has willfully failed to comply either with the order of the Court or with the requirements of Section 61.13001, Florida Statutes as follows: __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. Based upon the above findings it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows: 3._____ The Motion for Civil Contempt for Relocation/Return of Child is hereby GRANTED. Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950 (h), Order on Motion for Civil Contempt for Relocation And/Or Return of Child(ren)(03/15) American LegalNet, Inc. a.____ Petitioner _____ Respondent is hereby ordered to immediately return the minor child(ren) to the jurisdiction of this Court. b.____ Petitioner _____ Respondent is hereby temporarily restrained from relocating the minor child(ren), pending further order of this Court. c.____ This Court shall issue a Writ of Bodily Attachment against the _____Petitioner _____Respondent at the hearing on the Motion for Contempt. d.____ Petitioner _____ Respondent may purge himself/herself of the Contempt by immediately returning the minor child(ren) to the jurisdiction of this Court. e.____ _____ Petitioner _____Respondent shall be awarded makeup time-sharing with the minor child(ren) as follows: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. f.____ The following additional relief, including sanctions, is granted: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. OR 4.____ The Motion For Civil Contempt For Relocation And/Or Return Of Child(ren) is hereby DENIED. 5.____ Attorney's Fees, Costs and Suit Money a. _____ Petitioner's _____ Respondent's request(s) for attorney's fees, costs, and suit money is/are denied because:______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. OR b._____The Court finds there is a need for and an ability to pay attorney's fees, costs, and suit money. _____Petitioner _____ Respondent is hereby ordered to pay to the other party $___________ in attorney's fees, and $__________ in costs. The Court further finds that the attorney's fees awarded are based on the reasonable rate of $_________ per hour and ________________ reasonable hours. Other provisions relating to attorney fees, costs, and suit money are as follows: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. with Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950 (h), Order on Motion for Civil Contempt for Relocation And/Or Return of Child(ren)(03/15) American LegalNet, Inc. DONE AND ORDERED at ___________________________, Florida, on ___________________________. ___________________________________ CIRCUIT JUDGE I certify that a copy of the Order on Motion for Civil Contempt for Relocation and/or Return of Child(ren) was ( ) mailed ( ) faxed and mailed ( ) e-mailed ( ) hand-delivered to the parties and any entities listed below on {date} ____________________________. ______________________________________ Clerk of court, designee, or Judicial Assistant Petitioner (or his or her attorney) Respondent (or his or her attorney) Other Person (or his or her attorney) _____________________________ Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950 (h), Order on Motion for Civil Contempt for Relocation And/Or Return of Child(ren)(03/15) American LegalNet, Inc.