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Writ Of Bodily Attachment (Child Support) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Family Law Statewide.
Tags: Writ Of Bodily Attachment (Child Support), 12.962, Florida Statewide, Family Law
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE _______________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR __________________COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No:__________________________ Division: __________________________ ____________________________, Petitioner, and ____________________________, Respondent. WRIT OF BODILY ATTACHMENT (Child Support) TO ALL AND SINGULAR SHERIFFS AND OTHER AUTHORIZED LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA YOU ARE ORDERED to take into custody __________________________________________ {see attached Description Sheet} and confine him/her in the county jail. The individual failed to appear before the court as ordered, failed to appear at a properly noticed hearing, and/or failed to comply with the previous order of the court which is attached and incorporated herein. Service of this writ may be made on any day of the week and any time of the night or day, including Sunday and holidays. YOU ARE FURTHER DIRECTED to bring this person before the court within 48 hours of execution of the writ for a hearing to determine the individual's present ability to pay support and, if so, whether the failure to pay such support is willful, pursuant to Rule 12.615(c)(2)(B), Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure. NOTICE OF EXECUTION OF THIS WRIT SHALL IMMEDIATELY BE GIVEN TO THE FOLLOWING: {Indicate all that apply} _____ The Office of the Judge/General Magistrate/Child Support Hearing Officer: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____ Counsel for the Department of Revenue: __________________________________________________________________ _____ Department of Revenue: __________________________________________________________________ _____ Other: _________________________________________________________________ Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.962, Writ of Bodily Attachment (Child Support) (03/15) American LegalNet, Inc. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the individual may purge this contempt and be immediately released from custody at any time by the payment of the sum of $_______________________, which includes (if applicable): $ ___________________, to be applied to unpaid support, $ ___________________, Sheriff's fee, $___________________, Department of Revenue costs. $ ___________________, other The court previously found in this proceeding that the individual had the ability to pay said sum. The Sheriff, or other authorized law enforcement personnel, executing this writ or having custody of the individual is authorized to assess and collect the actual costs associated with service of this writ and transportation of the individual pursuant to Section 61.11(2)(a), Florida Statutes. PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE to the Sheriff of ___________________________ County, Florida and shall be in the form of cash, cashier's check, certified funds, or money order. The purge payment, clearly marked with the individual's name and case number, and denoted as a purge payment shall be remitted to: {Indicate which are applicable}: _____ The Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court for ________________________, County, _________________________________________________________________ _____ Other ____________________________________________________________. The Sheriff's office, or other authorized law enforcement personnel's office, receiving payment shall provide the individual with a written receipt acknowledging payment. The receipt must be carried by the individual for a period of at least 30 days as proof of payment. If the individual pays the purge and secures his/her release, the Sheriff shall immediately notify: _____________________________________________________________________________. THIS ORDER SUPERSEDES ALL PRIOR CONFLICTING ORDERS. DONE AND ORDERED in ____________ County, Florida this _____day of ___________, 20____. ________________________________ CIRCUIT JUDGE Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.962, Writ of Bodily Attachment (Child Support) (03/15) American LegalNet, Inc. I certify that a copy of this {name of document}____________________________________________ was ( ) mailed ( ) faxed and mailed ( ) e-mailed ( ) hand-delivered to the parties or entities listed below on {date}___________________________. by___________________________________ {clerk of court or designee} Petitioner (or his/her attorney) Respondent (or his/her attorney) Department of Revenue Sheriff of ____________________County Other:____________________________ Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.962, Writ of Bodily Attachment (Child Support) (03/15) American LegalNet, Inc. DESCRIPTION SHEET NAME: _________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _______________ OTHER NAMES THE INDIVIDUAL GOES BY (ALIASES OR NICKNAMES): ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________ ALTERNATE ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _________________________ ALTERNATE PHONE: _________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ______________________ GENDER: ________ RACE: ___________ HEIGHT: _____________ WEIGHT: ____________ EYE COLOR: ____________ HAIR COLOR, LENGTH, STYLE: _____________________________________________________ DISTINGUISHING MARKS, SCARS, TATTOOS: _____________________________________ OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: ________________________________________________________ EMPLOYER: ____________________________________ EMPLOYER PHONE: _______________ EMPLOYER ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ VEHICLE (MAKE/MODEL): ________________________________________________________ FLORIDA DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER: _______________________________________________ Please use the space below for any additional information you would like to provide. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________