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FORM 9 FINAL JUDGMENT - DAMAGES After the Court enters this judgment you should obtain a certified copy of the judgment from the Clerk of the Court and record the certified copy in the public records in any county in which the Tenant owns real property. The Clerk of the Small Claims Court can probably provide you with information concerning the collection of the amounts owed you. A judgment for money (if properly recorded) is a lien upon the real or personal property of the person against whom the judgment is entered for a period of ten years. The lien may then be extended for an additional period of ten years by re-recording a certified copy of the judgment prior to the expiration of the lien, and by simultaneously recording an affidavit with the current address who has a lien as a result of the judgment. The lien may not be extended beyond twenty years from the date of entry of the judgment, or beyond the point the lien is satisfied, whichever occurs first. SOURCE: Sections 55.081 and 55.10, Florida Statutes (2007) FORM NOTES ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT COMPLETELY DESCRIBE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA LAW. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY AS NEEDED. American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR ___________________________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA [insert county in which rental property is located] _____________________________________ [insert name of Landlord] Plaintiff, vs. _____________________________________ [insert name of Tenant] CASE NO. ___________________________ [insert case number assigned by Clerk of the Court] Defendant. / FINAL JUDGMENT - DAMAGES THIS ACTION came before the Court upon Plaintiff's Complaint for unpaid rent. On the evidence presented, it is ADJUDGED that Plaintiff, ______________________ [insert Landlord's name], whose principal address is _________________________________________ [insert Landlord's address], recover from Defendant, _________________________________________ [insert Tenant's name] , whose principal address is _________________________________________ [insert Tenant's address], the sum of $___________ with costs in the sum of sum of $________________, making a total of $___________________, that shall bear interest at the legal rate established pursuant to section 55.03, Florida Statutes, FOR WHICH LET EXECUTION NOW ISSUE. ORDERED in ______________________________ [insert city in which the Court is located] ____________________ [insert county in which the Court is located] COUNTY, FLORIDA on _________________, _________, 20___. ____________________________________ (County/Circuit) Judge cc: [insert name of Landlord] [insert name of Tenant] Approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar The Florida Bar 2010 This form was completed with the assistance of: Name: Address: Telephone Number: American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR ___________________________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. ___________________________ _____________________________________ Plaintiff, vs. _____________________________________ Defe ndant. ________________________________________/ FINAL JUDGMENT - DAMAGES THIS ACTION came before the Court upon Plaintiff's Complaint for unpaid rent. On the evidence presented, it is ADJUDGED that Plaintiff, ____________________________, whose principal address is _________________ _________________________________________________________________________, recover from Defendant, _________________________________________, whose principal address is ______________________________ ___________________________________________, the sum of $_________ with costs in the sum of $_________, making a total of $__________, that shall bear interest at the legal rate established pursuant to section 55.03, Florida Statutes, FOR WHICH LET EXECUTION NOW ISSUE. ORDERED in ______________________________COUNTY, FLORIDA on _____________, 20__. _____________________________________ cc: Approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar The Florida Bar 2010 This form was completed with the assistance of: Name: Address: Telephone Number: American LegalNet, Inc.