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RESIDENTIAL LEASE FOR APARTMENT OR UNIT IN MULTI-FAMILY RENTAL HOUSING (OTHER THAN A DUPLEX) INCLUDING A MOBILE HOME, CONDOMINIUM, OR COOPERATIVE (FOR A TERM NOT TO EXCEED ONE YEAR) (Not To Be Used For Commercial, Agricultural, or Other Residential Property) WARNING: IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ ALL OF THE LEASE CAREFULLY. THE LEASE IMPOSES IMPORTANT LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. AN ASTERISK (*) OR A BLANK SPACE () INDICATES A PROVISION WHERE A along with others, the common areas of the building and the development of which the Premises are a part. IV. RENT PAYMENTS AND CHARGES. Tenant shall pay rent for the Premises in installments of $ each on the day of each [month, week] (a "Rental Installment Period," as used in the Lease, shall be a month if rent is paid monthly, and a week if rent is paid weekly.) Tenant shall pay withAmerican LegalNet, shall pay the rent and all other charges required to be paid under the Lease by cash, valid check, or money order. Landlord may appoint an agent to collect the Lease Payment and to perform Landlord's obligations. Unless this box is checked, the Lease Payments must be paid in advance beginning [date]. If the tenancy starts on a day other than the first day of the month or week as designated above, the rent shall be prorated from (date) through (date) in the amount of $ and shall be due on (date) (If rent paid monthly, prorate on a 30 day month.) V. DEPOSITS, ADVANCE RENT, AND LATE CHARGES. In addition to the Lease Payments described above, Tenant shall pay the following: (check only those items that apply) a security deposit of $ to be paid upon signing the Lease. advance rent in the amount of $for the Rental Installment Periods of to be paid upon signing the Lease. a pet deposit in the amount of $to be paid upon signing the Lease. a late charge in the amount of $ for each Lease Payment made more than number of days after the date it is due. a bad check fee in the amount of $ (not to exceed $20.00, or 5% of the Lease Payment, whichever is greater) if Tenant makes any Lease Payment with a bad check. If Tenant makes any Lease Payment with a bad check, Landlord can require Tenant to pay all future Lease Payments in cash or by money order. Other: . Other: . VI. SECURITY DEPOSITS AND ADVANCE RENT. If Tenant has paid a security deposit or advance rent the following provisions apply: Landlord shall hold the money in a separate interest-bearing or non-interest-bearing account in a Florida banking institution for the benefit of Tenant. If Landlord deposits the money in an interest-bearing account, Landlord must pay Tenant interest of at least 75% of the annualized average interest paid by the bank or 5% per year simple interest, whichever Landlord chooses. Landlord cannot mix such money with any other funds of Landlord or pledge, mortgage, or make any other use of such money until the money is actually due to Landlord; or Landlord must post a surety bond in the manner allowed by law. If Landlord posts the bond, Landlord shall pay Tenant 5% interest per year. At the end of the Lease, Landlord will pay Tenant, or credit against rent, the interest due to Tenant. No interest will be due Tenant if Tenant wrongfully terminates the Lease before the end of the Lease Term. If Landlord rents 5 or more dwelling units, then within 30 days of Tenant222s payment of the advance rent or any security deposit, Landlord must notify Tenant in writing of the manner in which Landlord is holding such money, the interest rate, if any, that Tenant will receive, and when such payments will be made. VII. NOTICES. [name] is Landlord222s Agent. All notices to Landlord and all Lease Payments must be sent to Landlord222s Agent at [address], unless Landlord gives Tenant written notice of a change. Landlord222s Agent may perform inspections on behalf of Landlord, subject to Article XII below. All notices to Landlord shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery to Landlord or Landlord222s Agent. American LegalNet, Inc. Any notice to Tenant shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, or delivered to Tenant at the Premises. If Tenant is absent from the Premises, a notice to Tenant may be given by leaving a copy of the notice at the Premises. VIII.USE OF PREMISES. Tenant shall use the Premises only for residential purposes. Tenant also shallobey, and require anyone on the Premises to obey, all laws and any restrictions that apply to the Premises.Landlord will give Tenant notice of any restrictions that apply to the Premises.If the Premises are located in a condominium or cooperative development, the Lease and Tenant222s rights under it, including as to the common areas, are subject to all terms of the governing documents for the project, including, without limitation, any Declaration of Condominium or proprietary lease, and any restrictions, rules, and regulations now existing or hereafter adopted, amended, or repealed. Unless this box is checked, Landlord may adopt, modify, or repeal rules and regulations for the use of common areas and conduct on the Premises during the Lease Term. All rules and regulations must be reasonable and in the best interest of the development in which the Premises are located. Occasional overnight guests are permitted. An occasional overnight guest is one who does not stay more than nights in any calendar month (If left blank, 7). Landlord222s written approval is required to allow anyone else to occupy the Premises. Unless this box Unless this box is checked, no smoking is permitted in the Premises. Tenant shall not keep any dangerous or flammable items that might increase the danger of fire or damage on the Premises without Landlord222s consent. Tenant shall not create any environmental hazards on or about the Premises. Tenant shall not destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any part of the Premises belonging to Landlord, nor permit any person to do so. Tenant may not make any alterations or improvements to the Premises without first obtaining Landlord222s written consent to the alteration or improvement. However, unless this box is checked, Tenant may hang pictures and install window treatments in the Premises without Landlord222s consent, provided Tenant removes all such items before the end of the Lease Term and repairs all damage resulting from the removal. Tenant must act, and require all other persons on the Premises to act, in a manner that does not unreasonably disturb any neighbors or constitute a breach of the peace. IX.MAINTENANCE. Landlord and Tenant agree that the maintenance of the Premises must beperformed by the person indicated below:Landlord222s Required Maintenance. Landlord will comply with applicable building, housing, and health codes relating to the Premises. If there are no applicable building, housing, or health codes, Landlord shall maintain and repair the roofs, porches, windows, exterior walls, screens, foundations, floors, structural components, and steps, and keep the plumbing in reasonable working order. If the Premises are located in a condominium, Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that the maintenance of the structural elements and common areas is performed by the condominium association as part of the common area maintenance. Landlord shall assure that the association complies with applicable building, housing, and health codes relating to the Premises. If there are no applicable building, housing, or health codes, Landlord shall assure that the association maintains and repairs roofs, porches, windows, exterior walls, screens, foundations, American LegalNet, Inc. is checked or a pet deposit has been paid, Tenant may keep or allow pets or animals on the Premises without Landlord222s approval of the pet or animal in writing. floors, structural components, and steps, and keeps the plumbing in reasonable working order. Landlord will be responsible for the maintenance of any items listed above for which the association is not responsible. Elective Maintenance. Fill in each blank space in this section with Landlord or Tenant to show who will take care of the item noted. If a space is left blank, Landl