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Residential Lease for Single Family Home or Duplex (FOR A TERM NOT TO EXCEED ONE YEAR) A BOX ( ) OR A BLANK SPACE ( ) INDICATES A PROVISION WHERE A CHOICE OR DECISION MUST BE MADE BY THE PARTIES. THE LEASE IMPOSES IMPORTANT LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. MANY RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES ARE GOVERNED BY CHAPTER 83, PART II, RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT, FLORIDA STATUTES. A COPY OF THE RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT IS ATTACHED TO THIS LEASE. 1. PARTIES. This is a lease ("the Lease") between (name & address of owner of the property) (223Landlord224) and (name(s) of person(s) to whom the property is leased) (223Tenant.224) Landlord222s E-mail address: Landlord222s Telephone Number: Tenant222s E-mail address: Tenant222s Telephone Number: 2. PROPERTY RENTED. Landlord leases to Tenant the land and buildings located at (street address) , Florida (zip code) together with the following furniture and appliances [List all furniture and appliances. If none, write "none."] (In the Lease, the property leased, including furniture and appliances, if any, is called "the Premises"): The Premises shall be occupied only by the Tenant and the following persons: . 3. TERM. This is a lease for a term, not to exceed twelve months, beginning on (month, day, year) and ending (month, day, year) (the "Lease Term"). 4. RENT PAYMENTS, TAXES AND CHARGES. Tenant shall pay total rent in the amount of $ (excluding taxes) for the Lease Term. The rent shall be payable by Tenant in advance in installments or in full as provided in the options below: in installments. If in installments, rent shall be payable monthly, on the day of each month (if left blank, on the first day of each month) in the amount of $ per installment. OR weekly, on the day of each week. (If left blank, on Monday of each week.) in the amount of $ per installment. in full on (date) in the amount of $ . American LegalNet, Inc. Tenant shall also be obligated to pay taxes on the rent when applicable in the amount of $ with each rent installment with the rent for the full term of the Lease. Landlord will notify Tenant if the amount of the tax changes. Payment Summary If rent is paid in installments, the total payment per installment including taxes shall be in the amount of $. If rent is paid in full, the total payment including taxes shall be in the amount of $. All rent payments shall be payable to (name) at (address). (If left blank, to Landlord at Landlord222s address). If the tenancy starts on a day other than the first day of the month or week as designated above, the rent shall be prorated from (date) through (date)in the amount of $ and shall be due on (date) (If rent paid monthly, prorate on a 30 day month.) Tenant shall make rent payments required under the Lease by (choose all applicable) cash, personal check, money order, cashier222s check, or other (specify). If payment is accepted by any means other than cash, payment is not considered made until the other instrument is collected. If Tenant makes a rent payment with a worthless check, Landlord can require Tenant to pay all future payments by money order, cashier222s check or official bank check or cash or other (specify), and to pay bad check fees in the amount of $ (not to exceed the amount prescribed by Section 68.065, Florida Statutes.) 5. MONEY DUE PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. Tenant shall pay the sum of $ in accordance with this paragraph prior to occupying the Premises. Tenant shall not be entitled to move in or to keys to the Premises until all money due prior to occupancy has been paid. If no date is specified below, then funds shall be due prior to Tenant occupancy. Any funds designated in this paragraph due after occupancy, shall be paid accordingly. Any funds due under this paragraph shall be payable to Landlord at Landlord222s address or to (name) at (address) First month222s week222s rent plus applicable taxes $due Prorated rent plus applicable taxes $due Advance rent for month week of plus applicable taxes $ due Last month222s week222s rent plus applicable taxes $ due Security deposit $ due Additional security deposit $ due Security deposit for homeowner222s association $ due Pet Deposit $ due Other $due Other $due American LegalNet, Inc. 6. LATE FEES. (Complete if applicable) In addition to rent, Tenant shall pay a late charge in the amount of $ (If left blank, 4% of the rent payment) for each rent payment made days after the day it is due (if left blank, 5 days if rent is paid monthly, 1 day if rent is paid weekly). 7. PETS AND SMOKING. Unless this box is checked or a pet deposit is paid, Tenant may not keep pets or animals on the Premises. If Tenant may keep pets, the pets described in this paragraph are permitted on the Premises. (Specify number of pets, type(s), breed, maximum adult weight of pets.) Unless this box is checked, no smoking is permitted in the Premises. 8. NOTICES. is Landlord222s Agent. All notices must be sent to Landlord at Landlord222s Agent at unless Landlord gives Tenant written notice of a change. All notices of such names and addresses or changes thereto shall be delivered to the Tenant's residence or, if specified in writing by the Tenant, to any other address. All notices to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent (whichever is specified above) shall be given by U.S. mail or by hand delivery. Any notice to Tenant shall be given by U.S. mail or delivered to Tenant at the Premises. If Tenant is absent from the Premises, a notice to Tenant may be given by leaving a copy of the notice at Premises. 9. UTILITIES. Tenant shall pay for all utilities services during the Lease Term and connection charges and deposits for activating existing utility connections to the Premises except for , that Landlord agrees to provide at Landlord222s expense (If blank, then 223NONE224). 10. MAINTENANCE. Landlord shall be responsible for compliance with Section 83.51, Florida Statutes, and shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of the Premises, unless otherwise stated below: (Fill in each blank space with 223Landlord" for Landlord or 223Tenant" for Tenant, if left blank, Landlord will be responsible for the item): roofs windows screens steps doors floors porches exterior walls foundations plumbing structural components heating hot water running water locks and keys electrical system cooling smoke detection devices garbage removal/ outside receptacles extermination of rats, mice, roaches, ants and bedbugs extermination of wood-destroying organisms lawn/shrubbery pool/spa/hot tub water treatment filters (specify) ceilings interior walls Other (specify) Tenant shall notify (name) at (address) (if left blank, Landlord at Landlord222s address) and (telephone number) of maintenance and repair requests. American LegalNet, Inc. 11. ASSIGNMENT. Unless this box is checked, Tenant may not assign the Lease or sublease all or any part of the Premises without first obtaining the Landlord222s written approval and consent to the assignment or sublease. 12. KEYS AND LOCKS. Landlord shall furnish Tenant # of sets of keys to the dwelling # of mail box keys # of garage door openers If there is a homeowner222s association, Tenant will be provided with the following to access the association222s common areas/facilities: # of keys to # of remote controls to # of electronic cards to other (specify) to At end of Lease Term, all items specified in this paragraph shall be returned to (name) at (address) (If left blank, Landlord at Landlord222s address). 13. LEAD-BASED PAINT. Check and complete if the dwelling was built before January 1, 1978. Lead Warning Statement (when used in this article, the term Lessor refers to Landlord and the term Lessee refers to Tenant). Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, Lessors must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive a federally approved pamphlet on