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Florida Workers Compensation Uniform Medical Treatment-Status Report Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Workers Comp.
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Florida Workers' Compensation Uniform Medical Treatment/Status Reporting Form - PAGE 1
NOTE: Health care providers shall legibly and accurately complete all sections of this form, limiting their responses to their area of expertise.
1. Insurer Name:
2. Visit/Review Date:
3. Injured Employee (Patient) Name:
4. Date of Birth:
5. Social Security #:
6. Date of Accident:
7. Employer Name
8. Initial visit with this physician?
a) NO
b) YES
No change in Items 9 - 13d since last reported visit. If checked, GO TO SECTION II.
10. Injury/ Illness for which treatment is sought is:
c) UNDETERMINED as of this date
11. Has the patient been determined to have Objective Relevant Medical Findings?
Pain or abnormal anatomical findings, in
the absence of objective relevant medical findings, shall not be an indicator of injury and/or illness and are not compensable.
a) NO
b) YES
c) UNDETERMINED as of this date
If YES or UNDETERMINED, explain:
12. Diagnosis(es):
13. Major Contributing Cause: When there is more than one contributing cause, the reported work-related injury must
contribute more than 50% to the present condition and be based on the findings in Item 11.
a) Is there a pre-existing condition contributing to the current medical disorder?
a1) NO
a2) YES
a3) UNDETERMINED as of this date
b) Do the objective relevant medical findings identified in Item 11 represent an exacerbation (temporary worsening)
or aggravation (progression) of a pre-existing condition?
b1) NO
b2) exacerbation
b3) aggravation
b4) UNDETERMINED as of this date
c) Are there other relevant co-morbidities that will need to be considered in evaluating or managing this patient?
c1) NO
c2) YES
d) Given your responses to the Items above, is the injury/illness in question the major contributing cause for:
d1) NO
d2) YES
the reported medical condition?
d3) NO
d4) YES
the treatment recommended (management/treatment plan)?
d6) YES
d5) NO
the functional limitations and restrictions determined?
14. LEVEL I - Key issue: specific, well-defined medical condition, with clear correlation between objective relevant
physical findings and patients' subjective complaints. Treatment correlates to the specific findings.
15. LEVEL II - Key issue: regional or generalized deconditioning (i.e. deficits in strength, flexibility, endurance, and
motor control. Treatment: physical reconditioning and functional restoration.
16. LEVEL III -Key issue: poor correlation between patient's complaints and objective, relevant physical findings, indicating
both somatic and non-somatic clinical factors. Treatment: interdisciplinary rehabilitation and management.
If checked, GO TO SECTION IV
18. No clinical services indicated at this time.
If checked, GO TO SECTION IV
19. No change in Items 20a - 20g since last report submitted.
The following proposed, subsequent clinical service(s) is/are deemed medically necessary.
Identify principal physician:
a) Consultation with or referral to a specialist.
Identify specialty & provide rationale:
b) Diagnostic Testing: (Specify)
c) Physical Medicine. Check appropriate box and indicate specificity of services, frequency and duration below:
c1) Physical/Occupational therapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathic or comparable physical rehabilitation.
c2) Physical Reconditioning (Level II Patient Classification)
c3) Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Program (Level III Patient Classification)
Specific instruction(s):
d) Pharmaceutical(s) (specify):
e) DME or Medical Supplies:
f) Surgical Intervention - specify procedure(s):
f1) In-Office:
f2) Surgical Facility:
f3) Injectable(s) (e.g. pain management):
g) Attendant Care:
Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 (revised 1/31/2008)
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Florida Workers' Compensation Uniform Medical Treatment/Status Reporting Form - PAGE 2
Patient Name:
Visit/Review Date:
Assignment of limitations or restrictions must be based upon the injured employee's specific clinical
dysfunction or status related to the work injury. However, the presence of objective relevant medical findings
does not necessarily equate to an automatic limitation or restriction in function.
21 No functional limitations identified or restrictions prescribed as of the following date:
22. The injured workers' functional limitations and restrictions, identified in detail below, are of such severity that he/she
cannot perform activities, even at a sedentary level (e.g. hospitalization, cognitive impairment, infection, contagion),
as of the following date: ___________________.
Use additional sheet if needed.
23. The injured worker may return to activities so long as he/she adheres to the functional limitations and restrictions
identified below. Identify ONLY those functional activities that have specific limitations and restrictions for this
patient. Identify joint and/or body part __________________________________. Use additional sheet if needed.
Functional Activity
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
Lift-floor > waist
Other choices; Skin Contact/ Exposure; Sensory; Hand Dexterity; Cognitive; Crawl; Vision; Drive/Operate Heavy Equipment;
Environmental Conditions: heat, cold, working at heights, vibration; Auditory; Specific Job Task(s); etc.
NOTE: Any functional limitations or restrictions assigned above apply to both on and off the job activities, and are in
effect until the next scheduled appointment unless otherwise noted or modified prior to the appointment date.
Specify those functional limitations and restrictions, in Item 23, which are permanent if MMI / PIR have been assigned in Item 24.
24. Patient has achieved maximum medical improvement?
b) NO
c) Anticipated MMI date:
a) YES, Date:
d) Anticipated MMI date cannot be determined at this time.
Future Medical Care Anticipated: e)
_____ % Permanent Impairment Rating (body as a whole)
Body part/system: _____________________________
Guide used for calculation of Permanent Impairment Rating (based on date of accident - see instructions):
a) 1996 FL Uniform PIR Schedule
b) Other, specify
Is a residual clinical dysfunction or residual functional loss anticipated for the work-related injury?
b) NO
a) YES
c) Undetermined at this time.
Next Scheduled Appointment Date & Time:
“As the Physician, I hereby attest that all responses herein have been made, in accordance with the instructions as part of this form, to a
reasonable degree of medical certainty based on objective relevant medical findings, are consistent with my medical documentation
regarding this patient, and have been shared with the patient."
"I certify to any MMI / PIR information provided in this form.”
Physician Group:
Physician Signature:
Physician Name:
Physician DOH License #:
Physician Specialty:
(print name)
If any direct billable services for this visit were rendered by a provider other than a physician, please complete sections below:
“I hereby attest that all responses herein relating to services I rendered have been made, in accordance with the instructions as part of this
form, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty based on objective relevant medical findings, are consistent with my medical
documentation regarding this patient, and have been shared with the patient."
Provider Signature:
Provider Name:
(print name)
Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 (revised 1/31/2008)
Provider DOH License #:
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American LegalNet, Inc.
The Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 has been adopted by the Florida Division of Workers Compensation in Rule
69L-7.602, F.A.C., as the required reporting form for physicians to recommend medical treatment/
services and report the medical status of the injured employee to insurers/employers including the
establishment of the date of maximum medical improvement and assignment of permanent impairment
rating, when applicable, pursuant to Sections 440.13(4)(a) and 440.15(3)(d), F.S. The Form DFS-F5DWC-25 shall be submitted by the provider to the insurer, and to the employer upon request, upon the
occurrence of any actionable event (change in treatment plan, regime, therapies, prescriptions, or
functional limitations or restrictions), and following the injured employee achieving maximum medical
improvement, in accordance with the conditions and timeframes established in this rule. In instances
where the form is submitted without the occurrence of any actionable event, receipt of new information or
patient re-examination, it is anticipated that the provider will submit the form reflecting an unchanged
patient status. No Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 shall be required in the instances defined in the Completion
Exemptions section of these instructions.
Insurers/employers and providers shall utilize only the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 for physician reporting of
the injured employees medical treatment/status. Any other reporting forms may not be used in lieu of or
supplemental to the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25.
Accurate completion of the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 and the terms used herein do not create any access to
medical services or alter any conditions associated with the provision or reimbursement of medical
services other than as allowed in Section 440.13, F.S.
No reimbursement shall be made for completion of the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25. The Form DFS-F5DWC-25 is the exclusive form to be used when reporting establishment of the date of maximum medical
improvement and assignment of an impairment rating. It is the physicians primary responsibility in
treating the injured employee to apply provisions of Sections 440.09 and 440.13, F.S. when:
a. Evaluating an injury or illness,
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
b. Ordering, prescribing or rendering remedial treatment care or attendance, and
c. Assigning functional limitations or restrictions.
Physicians completing the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 must apply the following guidelines:
Accurate completion and submission of the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 does not fulfill the provider
requirement to obtain prior insurer approval and authorization for referrals, consultations,
treatment plans, and/or other medically necessary services.
Accurate completion and submission of the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 is in addition to medical
billing forms required pursuant to this rule.
The Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 does not replace physician notes, medical records or required
medical billing reports.
Physician notes, medical records, or other relevant diagnostic tests and evaluations must be
consistent with all information submitted on the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25, and shall document
additional details of the medical services rendered to the injured employee.
A copy of the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 shall become part of the permanent medical records of the
injured employee retained by the physician.
Physicians shall provide a copy of the accurately completed Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 to the
employer, upon request.
Providers required to complete the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 are as follows:
All physicians, including physician assistants and advanced registered nurse practitioners
(ARNPs) under the supervision of a physician, who provide direct billable services immediately
following the reported work related injury, regardless of location.
Physicians providing preliminary treatment, care or attendance in the emergency room of a
hospital licensed under Chapter 395, F.S. shall be required to accurately complete Items 1-8, 10,
11, 12, Section IV, and sign the Attestation Statement in Section VII.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
All principal physicians or physicians accepting consults, referrals or transfers of care (including
physician assistants and ARNPs under the supervision of a physician) who provide initial or
ongoing treatment, care or independent medical examinations.
Providers exempt from completing the DFS-F5-DWC-25 are as follows:
Physicians providing only medical interpretation of diagnostic testing (i.e. radiographic films; lab
specimens; electro-myographic findings; electro-encephalogram or electro-cardiogram tracings,
etc.) without direct physician-to-patient encounter.
Physicians performing diagnostic testing (i.e. electro-myography, eletro-nystagmography,
injections, etc.) without performing a complete patient examination or evaluation. Examples of
such services may be associated with nerve conduction studies, radiological studies, muscle
biopsies to obtain specimens, etc.
Anesthesiologists or ARNPs, under the supervision of a physician, who provide anesthesia
services in the presence of an operating surgeon.
Physicians functioning as a second surgeon or as an assistant surgeon and not as the primary
Physicians providing treatment when the patient is admitted to hospital for greater than 24 hours
complete the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 at the pre-admission office visit for scheduled
hospital admissions, or
on the date of admission for unscheduled hospitalizations, and
upon the date of discharge.
When Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 completion is related to the injured employees hospital admission (as
listed above), the form shall be submitted to the insurer, and the employer upon request, by close of
business on the next business day following completion.
Physicians providing treatment when the patient is participating in an interdisciplinary pain
management program, interdisciplinary rehabilitation program or receiving more than three times
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
weekly physician services (manipulation, wound care, etc.) shall complete the Form DFS-F5DWC-25 once weekly, instead of following each visit, except when a substantive clinical change
or change in functional limitations or restrictions is identified. The physician shall submit the
accurately complete Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 to the insurer, and the employer upon request, by
close of business on the next business day following completion of the form.
Physicians may submit the accurately completed Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 electronically or via facsimile
contingent upon insurer agreement. Application of an electronic signature is permitted in lieu of an
original physician signature. However, the physician remains responsible for the accuracy and completion
of all information submitted and for the attestation statement on the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25. An inkstamped signature is not an acceptable substitute for an original or electronic signature.
Submission requirements for all physicians certifying maximum medical improvement (MMI) and
permanent impairment rating (PIR) are identified in Section V of these instructions under the heading
Maximum Medical Improvement/Permanent Impairment Rating.
The Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 shall be submitted to the insurer, and to the employer upon request, as
All Physicians who provide the first treatment immediately after the reported work-related injury
shall submit the accurately completed Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 to the insurer, and to the employer,
immediately but no later than three (3) business days after the date of service. This submission
requirement must be met in order for the claim for medical or surgical treatment to be valid,
pursuant to Section 440.13(4)(a), F.S.
All principal, consulting or referral physicians providing subsequent treatment shall submit to
the insurer, and to the employer upon request, the accurately completed Form DFS-F5-DWC-25
by close business of the next business day following each visit or a maximum of 30 days from the
date of the prior Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 submission, even when the physician receives no new
information since the last visit or does not re-examine the patient. The consulting or referral
physician must also submit the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 to the principal physician if directed to do
so by the insurer. In instances where the form is submitted without the occurrence of any
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
actionable event, receipt of new information or patient re-examination, it is anticipated that the
provider will submit the form reflecting an unchanged patient status.
The physician accepting the transfer of care from the principal physician shall accurately
complete and submit the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 to the insurer, and to the employer upon
request, by close of business on the next business day following the first visit and following each
subsequent visit or a maximum of 30-calendar days from the date of the prior Form DFS-F5DWC-25 submission. In instances where the form is submitted without the occurrence of any
actionable event, receipt of new information or patient re-examination, it is anticipated that the
provider will submit the form reflecting an unchanged patient status.
If additional space is required to complete an item on the form, please attach an additional sheet(s)
containing the response(s). All additional sheet(s) must contain (in the upper right-hand corner) the
injured employees name, date of birth, date of accident/injury, date of visit or review and the item
number to which the response applies.
Items 1 through 4 and 6 through 8 All fields must be legibly and accurately completed on the initial
Form DFS-F5-DWC-25.
Items 2, 3, 4, and 6 Required to be legibly and accurately completed on each subsequent Form DFSF5-DWC-25.
Item 1 Enter the insurance carrier name.
Item 2 Enter the date applicable to the reason the form is being completed:
current date of service, OR
date of 30-day review, OR
date of change in clinical status/treatment review report (including change in
prescription medication).
Item 3 Enter the name of the injured employee: First, middle initial, if applicable, and last.
Item 4 Enter the injured employees date of birth in MM-DD-CCYY format
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
Item 6 Enter the date of the accident, injury or illness for which treatment, care or attendance is
Item 7 Enter the employers name.
Item 8 Check box yes or no as it relates to the date of accident identified in Item 6.
Item 9 Check when there is no change in your prior responses to Items 10 through 13d. If
checked, proceed to Section II.
Item 10 One box must be checked.
10a If checked, sign the Attestation Statement on the bottom of Page 2 and submit the
10b Check when the injury or illness is related to employment.
10c Check when, during this visit, the relationship of employment to the injury/illness
cannot be determined.
Objective Relevant Medical Findings: Pursuant to Section 440.09(1), F.S., pain or other subjective
complaints alone, in the absence of objective relevant medical findings, are not compensable. Further,
pursuant to Section 440.13(16)(a), F.S., abnormal anatomical findings alone, in the absence of objective
relevant medical findings, shall not be an indicator of an injury or illness, a justification for the provision
of remedial medical care, the assignment of restrictions, or a foundation for limitations. Objective
relevant medical findings are those objective findings that correlate to the subjective complaints of the
injured employee and are confirmed by the physical examination findings or diagnostic testing.
Item 11 One box must be checked, regardless of the date of accident.
11a Check when there is a total lack of objective relevant medical findings that
correlate to the patients chief complaint.
11b Check if applicable. If checked, enter a brief explanation of the objective relevant
medical findings in area provided.
11c Check if applicable. If checked, enter a brief explanation in the area provided, e.g.
pending completion of diagnostic testing.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
Item 12 Enter the injured workers work-injury related medical diagnosis(es). Entries are to be
descriptive and not identified by ICD diagnosis code, only.
Major Contributing Cause: Pursuant to Section 440.09(1), F.S., when there is more than one cause
contributing to a medical disorder, including pre-existing conditions, the work injury must be the major
contributing cause for the identified disorder to be compensable. Major contributing cause means the
cause that is more than 50% responsible for the injury compared to all other causes combined. Major
contributing cause must be demonstrated by medical evidence only.
Item 13 One box must be checked in each subsection of Item 13a1-13d6, regardless of date of
13a Either a1, a2, or a3 must be checked.
13b Either b1, b2, b3 or b4 must be checked.
13c Either c1or c2 must be checked.
13d Either d1or d2 must be checked and
Either d3or d4 must be checked and
Either d5or d6 must be checked.
The classification system, which is criteria based, comprises descriptive categories that are provided as a
means to promote optimal medical decision-making, accountability and responsible medical claims
handling practices. Additionally, the classification system enhances communication between the provider
and the insurer, which facilitates the authorization process and the provision of medically necessary care.
Proper classification of the patient is intended to:
a. Convey to insurers the complexity of services that may be required for optimal clinical
b. Distinguish the overall critical differences among cases that influence the intensity, scope,
and cost of services provided;
c. Facilitate recognition of three varying clinical configurations that affect the medical treatment
plan and treatment progress or other available benefits for an injured employee;
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
d. Assist the insurer in decisions related to authorization of recommended treatment plans or
treatment plan revisions;
e. Ensure that on-going treatment plans and authorized reimbursable services are consistent with
a high intensity, short duration treatment approach which focuses on specific clinical
dysfunction, before authorization is made to a provider.
Physicians shall correlate the documented physiologic or clinical problem identified on initial
examination or reassessment with the appropriate patient classification level and shall provide the insurer
with the type, intensity and duration of evaluation and management services or recommended treatment
plans (including consultations, referrals, diagnostic testing, physical medicine regimens, surgical,
pharmaceutical or other medical interventions) for which authorization is required.
Item 14 17 At least one box must be checked, regardless of date of accident.
The following examples are offered to illustrate the application of the Patient Classification Levels:
Level I
There are well-defined, objective relevant medical findings (abnormal physiology) that are consistent with the
patients subjective complaints and/or reported functional disturbances. Therefore, specific findings will
correlate with prescribed treatment interventions (e.g., exercise, physical agents, pharmaceuticals, surgical
Complaints of knee pain secondary to a knee sprain with swelling, specific joint laxity and
restrictions, muscle guarding, abnormal patella mechanics. Potential treatment could be
physical therapy, surgery, bracing, etc.
Complaints of intermittent back and leg pain secondary to a lumbar internal derangement
(discogenic lesion) with lumbar lateral shift, palpable muscle guarding of the lumbar
paravertebral musculature, positive neurology (dural signs, specific sensory disturbance,
select motor deficits, specific reflex changes), characterized by specific and bio-mechanically
consistent patterns of movements or activities that provoke or alleviate symptoms. Treatment
options could include an extension-based rehabilitation regime, manipulation, NSAIDs,
microdiscectomy, epidural steroid injections, etc.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
Level II
Level I clinical findings may (or may not) still be present, but the more compelling clinical issue is regional or
systemic musculoskeletal deficits or imbalances, involving strength, flexibility, endurance, or motor control
A post-op lumbar fusion or rotator cuff repair patient, with or without prolonged immobilized,
now needing an intensive, prolonged physical reconditioning program to normalize the
clinical mechanics and restore functional levels.
A sub-acute lumbar disc or knee ACL patient whose functional capability has been lowered
substantively by his clinical condition, or is below that required for his current or targeted
work, and therefore requires more extensive physical reconditioning and specific functional
A patient who has other health related issues (i.e. obesity, vascular or pulmonary
compromise) that are impeding recovery, rehabilitation, and functional restoration.
Level III
Level I clinical findings may (or may not) still be present, and Level II physical deconditioning deficits are
typically, but not always, still an issue. The more compelling clinical issue is poor correlation between the
patients complaints and the objective, relevant physical findings, thereby indicating both somatic and nonsomatic (i.e. psychological, vocational, legal) clinical factors. As there is a multi-faceted problem, treatment
should be interdisciplinary rehabilitation and management.
A chronic pain patient
A post-op spine patient who has to return to a physically demanding occupation and whose
emotional concerns and fears have impeded progress or response to treatment.
A poorly-defined low back pain patient who has had multiple medical opinions regarding the
proper course of treatment, or even the specific nature and extent of the illness, thereby
resulting in dispute, litigation, delayed recovery and difficulties in return to work.
In summary, properly assigned Patient Classification Levels will correlate with the key indicators,
identified as level specific, in the chart below:
Key clinical driver
Somatic - specific dysfunction
Somatic - deconditioning
Non-somatic pain, psych, voc
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
Level I
Level II
Level III
Y or N
Y or N
Y or N
American LegalNet, Inc.
The accurate completion of this section and submission of the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 constitutes a
provider’s written request for insurer authorization of treatment or services. Insurers are
responsible to provide a response pursuant to Section 440.13(3), F.S.
Item 18 Check only if the injured worker has no anticipated need for on-going medical services,
including pharmaceutical management of a condition. If checked, MMI must be established and
PIR assigned. If checked, proceed to Section IV.
Item 19 Check only when there is no change in your prior responses to Items 20a 20g. If
checked, proceed to Section IV.
Item 20 At least one box must be checked if neither Item 18 nor Item 19 is checked. All
appropriate boxes shall be checked and written entries completed, as applicable, based on physician
recommendation(s), regardless of date of accident. The principal physician, maintaining overall
management of the care, must be specified in the space provided.
20a Check only for consultation with or referral to a specialist. If checked, only specify
the consulting/referral physicians specialty.
20a1 Check when requesting a single visit for consultative services only. General
management, oversight and coordination of care will remain the responsibility of the
principal physician.
20a2 Check when requesting a specialist to evaluate the patient and provide
treatment/management of a specific clinical problem. General management, oversight
and coordination of care will remain the responsibility of the principal physician.
20a3 Check when requesting a transfer of care to another physician. Enter the name of
the specialist accepting the transfer of care in the space labeled Identify principal
physician. When checked, the current provider is indicating he/she will no longer
provide care or treatment to the injured worker (patient).
20b If checked, itemize the diagnostic test(s) needed.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
20c If checked, must check c1, c2 or c3. A written entry is required in the space
labeled Specific Instruction(s).
20d If checked, must list specific drugs or pharmaceutical products.
20e If checked, must list specific durable medical equipment or medical supplies,
including quantity.
20f If checked, must check f1, f2 or f3. A written entry is required that specifies
the recommended procedure(s) CPT codes may be listed in place of or in
accompaniment to the description of procedures.
20g If checked, must indicate the professional level of attendant care, frequency and
The determination of functional limitations and restrictions under this section is intended to provide
information to the employer/insurer regarding modifications that may be needed to the injured
employees work activity or assignment. If MMI/PIR has been assigned, the physician MUST indicate
when functional limitation(s) or restriction(s) are permanent.
Item 21 Check box only if the injured employee is identified as having no functional limitations
and no work restrictions are prescribed at this visit. If checked, the effective date of release to
work without restrictions must be entered in the space provided.
Item 22 Check box only if the injured employee cannot perform work, even at a sedentary level.
If checked, detailed written entry is required in the applicable spaces labeled: Load, Frequency &
Duration, and ROM (Range of Motion)/Position & Other Parameters. If checked, the effective
date of restrictions and limitations must be entered in the space provided. When completed
during a hospital pre-admission visit, indicate hospital admission and enter the anticipated date
of hospitalization in the date area. The date entered must be equal to or greater than the date of
form completion.
Item 23 Check box only if the injured employee may return to work with limitations and
restrictions as identified below. Written entry is required to identify the specific joint or body part
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
effected, as applicable. If checked, each applicable Functional Activity must be checked and
followed by detailed written entry in the applicable spaces labeled: Load, Frequency & Duration,
and ROM/Position & Other Parameters.
List only functional limitation(s) and restriction(s), i.e. those activities, movements,
postures/positions, or environments, and to what extent, the injured employee should modify.
Use an extra sheet if additional space is needed.
Example #1
23. The injured worker may return to activities so long as he/she adheres to the functional limitations and restrictions
identified below. Identify ONLY those functional activities that have specific limitations or restrictions for this patient.
Identify joint and/or body part ___________________________. Use additional sheet if needed.
Functional Activity
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
No > 30min per/bout to next visit
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
3-5 lifts per/hr for next 2 wks
Use leg lift, maintain lordosis (lumbar curve)
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
5-10min break between bouts (sit/lie/self-stretch)
Example #2
Functional Activity
Lift-floor > waist
No > 40 lbs
Example #3
Functional Activity
Prohibited - permanent
Replace with sit, kneel, or half-kneel
Example #4
Functional Activity
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
Other - R Shldr Elev
Prohibited to next visit
No >90deg.R. Shldr flex or abd - active or passive
Example #5
Functional Activity
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
Other-Wound Contact
Prohibited to next visit
Avoid dirt, water, excessive heat/cold
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
Example #6
Functional Activity
Frequency & Duration
ROM/ Position & Other Parameters
Other- Cognitive deficit
See Attached Sheet
Example of additional sheet:
Patient Name: John Doe
Date of Birth: MM-DD-CCYY
Date of Accident: 1-1-05
Date of Service: 1-3-05
Item 23.
Cognitive Dysfunction - Cannot: follow written instructions, perform multi-tasking activities or perform calculations; requires
frequent supervision.
Note: Limitations and restrictions will be applied as documented. If there are any applicable global
activity restrictions, in conjunction with specific functional activity limitations and restrictions, regarding
the injured employees overall work schedule, please specify in the Frequency & Duration section. If
additional space is needed, enter details in the ‘Comments’ section or attach an extra sheet.
Sample limitations and restrictions for global activities:
no more than 4 hours per day for the next 3 weeks
no more than 3 days per week (alternating with days off) until the next visit
may not work during non-daylight hours permanent
Pursuant to Section 440.15(3)(d)1, F.S., which applies to all dates of accident, a physician shall establish
the date of maximum medical improvement, including determination of any permanent physical
limitations or activity restrictions, and shall assign a permanent impairment rating for the work injury.
All physicians involved in the care of any injured employee for a specific work related injury shall
accurately complete Section V on the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25. When multiple physicians are involved
and certify MMI /PIR, each physician shall independently complete and send the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25
to the injured employee within three business days following the visit, and to the principal treating
physician, the insurer, and the employer upon request, by close of business on the next business day
following the visit.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
If a non-treating physician certifies MMI/PIR, that physician must report on the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25
such determinations to the treating physician, the insurer and the employee, within ten calendar days of
the visit.
The principal treating physician shall report the date of maximum medical improvement (MMI),
including any physical limitations, and permanent impairment rating on the Form DFS-F5-DWC-25 and
provide a copy to the injured employee within three business days following the visit, the insurer, and to
the employer upon request by close of business on the next business day following the visit.
Item 24 Applies to all dates of accident. Item 24 shall be accurately completed by checking the
appropriate box to indicate the physician:
24a can determine a date MMI has been achieved. If checked, the MMI date must be
entered in the space provided and either 24e or 24f must be checked, to indicate the
determination of anticipated future medical care.
24b can determine MMI has not been achieved.
24c can determine the anticipated the date MMI will be achieved. Date of anticipated MMI
must be entered in the space provided.
24d cannot anticipate the date MMI will be achieved.
24e Check only if MMI has been established, PIR assigned and the physician has
determined with a high-degree of medical certainty, that the patient WILL require future
medical care or treatment which is directly attributed to the work-related injury identified
in Item 6. Anticipated future medical care shall be indicated by completing applicable
items in Section III Management/Treatment Plan and detailed in the physicians
complete written medical report.
24f Check only if MMI has been established, PIR assigned and the physician has
determined with a high-degree of medical certainty, that the patient WILL NOT require
any future medical care or treatment which is directly attributed to the work-related
injury identified in Item 6.
Item 25 Both percent of permanent impairment and body part/system shall be completed if
MMI has been established and PIR assigned. The permanent impairment percentage shall be
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
calculated to the body as a whole. Enter the body part or system involved in calculating the
permanent impairment rating. Use an extra sheet if necessary.
The Permanent Impairment Rating (PIR) Guides shown below are to be utilized by the physician to
calculate the injured employees permanent impairment rating pursuant to Rule 69L-7.604, F.A.C. The
physician shall check Item 26a when using the 1996 FL Uniform PIR Schedule to determine the
impairment rating. If any other impairment-rating guide is used, the physician shall check Item 26b and
enter the name of the appropriate guide. Additionally, the physician must include documentation in the
medical record to indicate which guide was used to calculate the permanent impairment rating.
For dates of accident:
Prior to and through 6/30/90
AMA Guide
7/1/90 through 10/31/92
Minnesota Disability Schedules
11/1/92 through 1/6/97
1993 FL Impairment Guide
1/7/97 to present
1996 FL Uniform Permanent Impairment Rating Schedule
Item 26 The guide used for calculation of Permanent Impairment Rating shall be identified.
26a Check box if the 1996 FL Uniform PIR Schedule was used to calculate PIR.
26b Check box and identify from the list above by writing the name of the impairment
rating schedule used to calculate PIR.
Item 27 Either Item 27a , Item 27b or Item 27c shall be checked based on the physicians
anticipation of residual clinical dysfunction or residual functional loss related to the work injury.
Item 28 Enter the scheduled appointment date and time for the patient to return for follow up
care. If no appointment is pre-determined, provide brief explanation such as, as needed
discharged from care, transfer, etc.
The Principal/Consulting/Referral Physician authorized to provide remedial care and treatment
for the injured employee must accurately complete the Physician Group, Date, Signature, License
Number, Printed Name and Physician Specialty areas of this section on all Forms DFS-F5-DWC-25
prepared by the physician or under his/her direction.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
If a provider other than a physician rendered any direct billable services for this visit, the nonphysician licensed provider must accurately complete the Signature, License Number, Printed Name
and Date areas of this section. If only the Principal/Consulting/Referral Physician provided direct
billable services, enter N/A to indicate not applicable.
Form DFS-F5-DWC - 25 (Completion Instructions)
Revised 01/31/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.