Application To Pay Filing Fee In Installments
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Application To Pay Filing Fee In Installments Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
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Tags: Application To Pay Filing Fee In Installments, Georgia Federal, Bankruptcy Court
In re Case No. Chapter Debtor(s) In accordance with Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1006 and General Order No. (Bankr. N.D. GA.) I apply forpermission to pay the filing fee amounting to $ in no more than three (3) installments. I understand that if I failto pay any fee installment when due my bankruptcy case may be dismissed without opportunity for hearing, I am unable to pay the filing fee except in installments.I certify that I will neither make any further payment nor transfer any property for services in connection with thiscase until the filing fee is paid in full.I propose the following terms for the payment of the filing fee: First Installment of $, with the filing of the petition. Second Installment of at least one-half of the unpaid balance of the filing fee in the amount of $,on or before 30 days from the date the bankruptcy petition was filed.Final Installment of the remaining unpaid balance of the filing fee in the amount of $, on orbefore 60 days from the date the bankruptcy petition was filed.5. Signature of Attorney Date Signature of Debtor Date (In a joint case, both Debtors must sign) Name of Attorney Signature of Joint Debtor Date 1 (Application to Pay Filing Fee in Installments for ALL Chapters - Revision Date December 20) American LegalNet, Inc.