Notice Of Modification Of Plan After Confirmation
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Notice Of Modification Of Plan After Confirmation Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Notice Of Modification Of Plan After Confirmation, Georgia Federal, Bankruptcy Court
United States Bankruptcy Court SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA In the matter of: ) ) ) ) Chapter 13 Case No. Debtor(s) ) ) ) NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF CHAPTER 13 PLAN AFTER CONFIRMATION Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 247 1329, a proposed modification to the plan has been filed in this case, as shown on the copy attached hereto. This modification may result in a reduction of the dividend to unsecured creditors. Secured and priority creditors may also be affected. Any holder of a secured claim that has accepted or rejected the plan is deemed to have accepted or rejected, as the case may be, the plan as modified, unless the modification provided for a change in the rights of such holder from what such rights were under the plan before modification, and such holder changes such holder's previous acceptance or rejection. If you have legal grounds to object to the modified plan, or if you wish the Court to consider your views on the plan, you must file a written objection to the modified plan with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court before the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from the date stated in the certificate of service If you mail your objection to the court, you must mail it early enough so that it will be received within the time referenced above. Date: Attorney for Proponent(s) of Modification Lucinda Rauback, Clerk United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Georgia Revised American LegalNet, Inc.