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In the State Court of Chatham County 133 MONTGOMERY STREET , SUITE 308, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31401 HTTP://WWW .CHATHAMCOURTS .ORG TELEPHONE : (912) 652-7224 FACSIMILE : (912) 652-7229 STCOURT3@BELLSOUTH .NET _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Plaintiff Case NumberVs _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ D
efendant CERTIFICATION UNDER RULE 3.2 Pursuant to rules 3.2 and 3.4 of the Uniform Superior Cou
rt Rules and Local Rule # of the Eastern JudicialCircuit of Georgia, I hereby certify that no case has heretofore been fi
led in the State Court of the Eastern Judicial Circuitinvolving substantially the same parties or substantially the same subje
ct matter or substantially the same factual issues whichwould require the petition-pleading to be specifically assigned to the j
udge whom the original action was or is assigned. This day of_ , 200 __
OR Attorney of Party Pursuant to Rules 3.2 and 3.4 of the Uniform Superior Court Rules an
d Local Rule # ______of the Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia, I hereby certify that this petition-pleadin
g involves substantially the same parties or substantiallyhe same factual issues as in Case # ___________
DefendantFiled in The Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia which under Rule 3.2 of
the Superior Court rules require the petition-pleading,be specifically assigned to the Judge whom the original action was or is
Attorney of Par