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Statistics For Vital Records Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Clayton Local County.
Tags: Statistics For Vital Records, 3907, Georgia Local County, Clayton
Report of Divorce, Annulment or Dissolution of Marriage
Type or print all information
1. Civil Action Number
2. Date Decree Granted (mo., day, year)
3. County Decree Granted
4. Wife’s Name (first, middle, last)
5. Maiden (Birth) Last Name
6. Date of Birth (mo., day, year)
7. County of Residence
8. Number of This Marriage (1st, 2nd, etc.)
9. Husband’s Name (first, middle, last, generation)
10. Date of Birth (mo., day, year)
12. Number of This Marriage (1st, 2nd, etc.)
13. Date of This Marriage (mo., day, year)
14. Specify Grounds For Divorce (19-5-3, OCGA)
15. Number of Children Less Than 18 Affected by This Decree
11. County of Residence
This above Report may be reproduced by use of a computer. However, the finished Report must be a close
reproduction of the original, and prior review and approval must be obtained from the State Registrar before use.
(31-10-7, O.C.G.A.)
31-10-22. Record of divorce, dissolutions, and annulments.
(a) A record of each divorce, dissolution of marriage, or
annulment granted by any court of competent jurisdiction in this
state shall be filed by the clerk of the court with the department
and shall be registered if it has been completed and filed in
accordance with this Code section. The record shall be prepared by
the petitioner or the petitioner’s legal representative on a form
prescribed and furnished by the state registrar and shall be
presented to the clerk of the court with the petition. In all
cases, the completed record shall be a prerequisite to the
granting of the final decree.
(b) The clerk of the superior court shall complete and forward to
the department on or before the tenth day of each calendar month
the records of each divorce, dissolution of marriage, or annulment
decree granted during the preceding calendar month.
Form 3907 (Rev. 10-2002)
American LegalNet, Inc.