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MAGISTRATE COURT OF COBB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action No. ___________________Attorney or Plaintiffs Name and Address __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Plaintiff__________________________________ Name and Address of Party to be Served __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Defendant__________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ GarnisheeSHERIFFS ENTRY OF SERVICE PERSONAL I have this day personally served Defendant, _______________________, a copy of the within action andsummons. NOTORIOUS I have this day served Defendant, ________________________, by leaving a copy of the action andsummons at his/her most notorious place of abode in this County. Delivered into the hands of __________________________ described as follows: age, about ______years; weight, about ________ pounds; height, boua t __________ feet and _________ inches; domiciledat the residence of Defendant. CORPORATION I have this day served Defendant, _________________________, a corporation, by leaving a copy of thewithin action and summons with _________________________ in charge of the office and place ofdoing business of said corporation in this County. TACK & MAIL I have this day served the above affidavit and summons on Defendant(s) by posting a copy of same to thedoor of the premises designated in said affidavit, and on the same day of such posting by depositing acopy of same in the United States Mail, First Class, in an envelope properly addressed to Defendant(s) atthe address shown in said summons with adequate postage affixed thereon containing notice toDefendant(s) to answer said summons at the placed stated in the summons. NON EST. After a diligent search made, Defendant, ___________________ was not to be found in the jurisdiction ofthis Court. This ________ day of _______________________, 20______. _________________________________ Deputy, Cobb County, Georgia