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Consent Order - Pretrial House Arrest Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Consent Order - Pretrial House Arrest, MAG 95-02, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
Warrant Nos: _______________________________
Inmates No: _______________________________
The Defendant is presently incarcerated in the Gwinnett County Detention Center awaiting trial.
The Defendant has been unable to post bond and has made a request to be placed in the Pretrial House
Arrest Program.
The Defendant is incarcerated and awaiting trial on the following offenses:
The Defendant’s request has been reviewed. Said recommendations are as follows:
Sheriff’s Dept.
District Attorney:
[ ] Approved
[ ] Rejected
[ ] Approved
Professional Probation
[ ] Approved
[ ] Approved
[ ] Rejected
[ ] Rejected
[ ] Rejected
[ ] Court’s discretion
[ ] Court’s discretion
[ ] The Defendant is on probation/parole, said supervising officer’s recommendation is:
Parole Officer
Probation Officer
[ ] Approved
[ ] Approved
[ ] Rejected
[ ] Rejected
[ ] Court’s discretion
[ ] Court’s discretion
Q:\Magforms\MAG 95-02 Consent Order House Arrest
American LegalNet, Inc.
The Defendant has not posted bond nor has there been an adjudication of the above listed
case(s). The Defendant is being held in the custody and control of the Sheriff of Gwinnett County.
Under the terms and conditions of this Pretrial House Arrest Order, the Defendant remains subject
to the custody and control of the Sheriff of Gwinnett County and his designees. The Defendant’s
failure to abide by the terms and conditions of this order shall subject the defendant to immediate
detention by the Sheriff, or by the deputies of the sheriff. Also, any failure by the Defendant to
promptly return, or promptly report, at all times designated within this order, or as directed
by the sheriff, any deputy or any employee of the House Arrest Electronic Provider, may
result in the Defendant being charged with the offense of Escape, O.C.G.A. 16-10-52, for
which the sentences range from twelve (12) months for misdemeanor escape, one to five
years for felony escape, twenty (20) years for felony escape involving a weapon.
The terms and provisions of this order shall remain in effect until whichever event shall first occur:
The above-listed cases are terminated by adjudication or written dismissal;
The defendant posts bond on these offenses which is approved by the sheriff as an
alternative to this Pretrial House Arrest order.
Defendant shall reside at the following address until further order of this court:
This address must be a private residence and shall not be a hotel, motel, boarding house or
extended stay facility. This residence is owned/rented by:
If the Defendant is not the owner of this residence, then the owner/lessor has been INFORMED
AND AGREES that there shall be no alcoholic beverages upon the premises and that the ENTIRE
PREMISES AND CURTILAGE of this residence may be searched by any member of the Gwinnett
Sheriff’s Department or any employee of the House Arrest Provider, at any time of the day or
night, with or without a search warrant during the term of this consent order.
Defendant acknowledges that the foregoing residence MUST HAVE A BASIC TELEPHONE LINE
in order for any house arrest equipment to properly operate. This basic telephone line cannot
have any call waiting, call forwarding, answering service capabilities or such other features as
restricted by the House Arrest Provider. It must immediately be available for access twenty four
hours per day, seven day per week. The telephone line must be kept in good working condition
and shall not emit a “busy” signal to monitoring equipment. Defendant should consider adding
such extra phone lines as defendant considers necessary to fulfill this requirement.
Defendant shall timely report to the Sheriff’s Department and the House Arrest Provider at all
times directed by any employee of the Sheriff’s Department or House Arrests Provider. Unless
otherwise approved by the court, such report by the defendant shall be on no less than a weekly
basis and by such manner, such as “in person” or “via telephone,” as may be determined, from
time to time, by any employee of the Sheriff’s Department or House Arrest Provider. The reporting
times shall be reasonably coordinated to permit the defendant to retain gainful employment.
Defendant shall not violate any local, state or federal laws.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Defendant shall not drink alcohol. The residence in which the defendant resides shall not
have any alcoholic beverages within this residence during the term of this order.
Defendant shall not take or possess any drugs unless prescribed lawfully.
The Defendant shall immediately submit to all requests for breath, urine or blood specimen(s)
which shall be tested for alcohol or drug content made by any member of the Gwinnett County
Sheriff’s Department or any employee of the House Arrest Provider. The Defendant shall keep on
his/her person the sum of $15.00 in cash to immediately pay for the cost of such drug test. Such
tests may be requested daily, or at such interval as the House Arrest Provider determines, but no
less than once per month unless specifically exempted. The Defendant acknowledges that the
results of any incriminating results may be used against the Defendant in all subsequent criminal
justice proceedings.
All defendants shall pay the sum of $15.00 and submit to a drug screening test prior to
being permitted to transition to House Arrest Program. Only after the defendant tests
negative on this drug screening test may the defendant be released on the House Arrest
Program. The results of this baseline test shall be maintained as part of the record
connected with this Defendant.
While on this program, the Defendant shall immediately submit to all requests from any member of
the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department, any duly sworn law enforcement officer or by any
employee of the House Arrest Provider, to search defendant’s person, vehicle(s), and residence,
at any time of the day or night, without a search warrant or further order of this court. This search
shall include ALL areas of any residence occupied by the defendant.
Defendant shall timely attend and participate in all counseling, treatment or educational programs
as directed by any member of the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department or by any employee of
the House Arrest Provider and shall abide by all rules, regulations and directions of such
Defendant shall abide by all curfews established by the Sheriff’s Department or by the House
Arrest Provider.
Defendant shall not travel outside Gwinnett County, GA except for the following metropolitan
Atlanta counties: (circle as applicable) Barrow Cobb Dekalb Fulton Forsyth Hall Walton
[ ] The Defendant shall stay away, absolutely, directly or indirectly, by person, telephone,
messenger or any other means of communication from the victim,
hat includes, but is not limited to, the victim's home, school, and place of business or routes of
travel to or from those locations. The Defendant shall stay away from the above locations
regardless of whether the victim is present at such locations. Violations connected with
contacting/following the victim may subject the Defendant to a separate prosecution for
the felony offense of Aggravated Stalking.
Motor vehicles: The Defendant [ ] has; [ ] does not have; a valid driver’s license. Defendant
Q:\Magforms\MAG 95-02 Consent Order House Arrest
American LegalNet, Inc.
[ ] shall; [ ] shall not; have permission to operate any motor vehicle during the term of this
order. In the event the Defendant is granted permission to operate a motor vehicle, the defendant
shall maintain a valid driver’s license and all such vehicle(s) operated by the defendant shall be
properly registered and insured according to law. The defendant shall not ride in any motor
vehicle unless the defendant first determines that the driver of the vehicle has a valid driver’s
license and that all such vehicle(s) operated are properly registered and insured according to law.
Other Persons Having Authority to Drive Defendant After Submitting Proof of Driver’s License, Insurance &
[ ] Defendant shall maintain employment with the following employers: __________________
Defendant shall return to such documentation from such employers to the Sheriff’s Department
and/or House Arrest Provider, as required, from time to time, during the course of this order.
Defendant shall keep and maintain all electronic monitoring equipment assigned to the Defendant
in good working condition. Violations connected with the taking or destruction of this
equipment may subject the Defendant to a separate prosecutions for the offense(s) of theft
or criminal damage to property.
Defendant shall timely pay the House Arrest Provider all sums that are owed. The failure to timely
pay such sums shall result in the Defendant’s immediate return to the Gwinnett County Detention
Center. The Defendant shall make the first payment prior to being released from custody.
Defendant shall pay the following sums by CASHIERS CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR CASH:
(Personal checks, company checks or credit cards are NOT acceptable as payment.)
[ ]
Initial Fee, $ ____________. (This initial fee is NOT REFUNDABLE.)
[ ]
$________________ per week, beginning ________________ and continuing on
_________________ of each consecutive week thereafter;
[ ]
$________________ per month, beginning ________________ and continuing on
_________________ of each consecutive month thereafter.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
[ ]
The Defendant is disabled and the Sheriff Dept., House Arrest Provider and
Defendant have agreed upon a reduced rate for the use of monitoring equipment in
this case.
The Defendant and House Arrest Provider shall develop a written plan to determine the number of
hours that the Defendant may be released during the week, provide a reasonable accommodation
for the defendant’s work schedule/schedule to look for work, permit grocery shopping and routine
errands, receive medical treatment for the defendant, receive medical treatment of an immediate
family member of the defendant, counseling, school, educational programs, reasonable family
visits, or church. This record shall be maintained as part of the records of this defendant and a
written copy shall be signed by the defendant. Any variations of this schedule exceeding a time
period of two hours shall not be valid unless pre-approved by a judge of this court in writing. The
Sheriff Dept. and/or House Arrest Provider shall create and maintain such records connected with
this provision.
The House Arrest Provider shall provide the Sheriff’s Department, at the sole expense of the
House Arrest Provider, in such manner as required by the Sheriff, or his designee, with
immediate computer access to all records connected with each defendant placed on this House
Arrest Provider. The Sheriff’s Department shall be provided the same access to all records of the
House Arrest Provider. The intent of this provision is to permit the Sheriff’s Department to
immediately access all information on each defendant placed on Pretrial House Arrest, instanter.
The victim, if any, shall be given all notices connected with the defendant’s participation in the
Pretrial Release Program by the prosecuting attorney or Sheriff’s Department in accordance with
the provisions of O.C.G.A. 17-17-1, et.seq..
The Defendant shall abide by all additional rules, guidelines, instructions, requirements and all
other directives of the Sheriffs’ Department or House Arrest Provider.
The House Arrest Provider is:
Professional Probation Services, Inc.
316 W. Pike Street, Suite 200
Lawrenceville GA 30045
The Sheriff Department Coordinator is:
Capt. Alan Craig, or his designee; 770.822.3843
Sgt. Brian Sims; 770.822.3161
Gwinnett County Detention Center
2900 University Parkway
Lawrenceville GA 30043
770.822.3165 FAX
So Ordered, this ____ day of _______________, 20____.
Judge, Magistrate Court
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American LegalNet, Inc.
I am the defendant in this case. I have read the above listed terms and provisions and I have had
each of the these terms and provisions explained to me. I do not require any further explanations.
I understand that the Pretrial House Arrest program is a privilege and it is not a right. I understand
that the failure to follow any of the terms and provisions of this order or any of the directives, rules or
regulations of the Sheriff’s Department or the House Arrest Provider will result in my immediate return to
incarceration at the Gwinnett County Detention Center. I understand the above provisions that
specifically warned me about certain conduct which could result in my being charged with the additional
crimes of Escape, Misdemeanor or Felony, Aggravated Stalking, Theft or Criminal Damage to Property
and such other offenses as may also apply.
I specifically agree and stipulate that the reports, readings and all communications connected with
the electronic monitoring equipment used in my case shall be admissible in evidence against me in all
court proceedings connected with any violations charged against me concerning the House Arrest
Program. I specifically waive any objections to the admissibility of any evidence connected with the
electronic monitoring equipment.
I freely and voluntarily accept all the terms and provisions of this order. I agree to follow all the
terms and provisions of this order and all the directives, rules and regulations of the Sheriff’s Department
and the House Arrest Provider.
This ____ day of _______________, 20____.
Attorney for Defendant
I am counsel for the defendant in this case. I have explained to the Defendant all the terms and
provisions of this order. I am reasonably satisfied that the defendant understands these terms and
provisions and that I do no need any more additional time to make further explanations to the defendant.
I represent to the court that to the best of my knowledge and opinion, the defendant is entering
into this consent order freely and voluntarily.
I request the court to approve and enter this consent order.
This ____ day of _______________, 20____.
Attorney for Defendant
Bar Number
Print Name
City, State, Zip:
Office Phone:
Q:\Magforms\MAG 95-02 Consent Order House Arrest
American LegalNet, Inc.