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Criminal Arrest Warrant Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
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Tags: Criminal Arrest Warrant, MAG 50-03, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
Deposi t Account Fra ud CRIMI NAL ARRE ST WARRA NT ST AT E OF G EO RG IA GEORGI A, GW INNETT C OUNTY vs. _____________________ _____________________ ___ W ARRAN T N0 _________________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___ POLICE CASE NO ______________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___ ACCUSED AFF IDAVIT Person ally appeared before me the undersigned Prosecut or, _____________________ _____________________ ,who on oath says that, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the above-listed Accus ed, on the ____ __ day of _____________________ ___________ 20_ __, between the hours of _____ ___ __ _ _.m . and ___ __ __ __ ___. m. did com m it the offense of DEPOSI T ACCOUNT F RAUD in violation of O.C.G. A. 16-09-20 at ____________________ ______________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___, Gwinnett County, Georgia, and against _ _____________________ _____________________ _______, (for busine ss/c orporate v ictims, list the exac t business/ corporate name) , the victim, and the laws of the Stat e of Georgia. The facts upon which this affidav it for arrest is based are as f ollows: Sa id ac cuse d did make, draw, and deliver check num ber ____ __ __ __ __ _ in the amount of $_____ ______ ______ _____d rawn on the ____ _____________________ ______________ ___ ______, a bank (other depository) located [ ] within [ ] outside the State of Georgia, for the present consideration of ____________________ _____________________ __________ _ and said check was returned unpaid becaus e of [ ] insufficient funds [ ] ac count close d. Prose cutor swea rs that said check was deposi ted within thirty (30) days of the date of delivery and that Prosecut or/Victim has given the notice, as required by the above-sta tute, to the Acc used of the checks dishonor within ninety (90) days of the notice of the dishon or of said chec k. Pro sec utor makes this affidavit that a warrant may issue for the Accu sed s arrest. Sworn to and subscri bed before me this _________day of __________ ________, 200_____. _____________________ _____________________ __ Prosecutor _____________________ _____________________ ____ Ju dge, Mag istrate Court of Gwinnett County STATE WARRANT FOR ARREST To any Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Constable, Marshal or other Law Enforcement Officer of this State - Greetings: For sufficient cause made known to me in the above affidavit, incorporated by reference herein, and other sworn testimony, you are hereby commanded to arrest the Accused named in the above affidavit, charged by the prosecutor therein with the above offense against the laws of this State at the time, place and manner named in the above affidavit, and bring the accused before me or some otherJudicial Officer of this State to be dealt with as the law directs. Herein fail not. This _________da y of __________________, 200_____. _____________________ _____________________ ___ Judge, Magistrate Court ORDER FOR BOND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the aforesaid Accused be and is hereby granted bail to be made with sufficient surety as provided by the Sheriff of Gwinnett County in the amount of ________________________________ _____________________ ______ ($____________________) dollars to assure the presence of said Accused at arraignment, trial and final disposition in the [ ] STATE [ ] SUPERIOR Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia. [ ] CASH ONLY This _________da y of __________________, 200_____. _____________________ _____________________ ___ Judge, Magistrate Court [ ] Bond Hearing (17-10-1) (Jan 02) [ ] FE LONY [ ] MIS DEMEA NOR