Default Judgment
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Default Judgment Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Default Judgment, MAG 11-05, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
______________________________________ ______________________________________ Plaintiff(s) v. GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA DEFAULT JUDGMENT CIVIL ACTION FILE NO: ___________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Defendant(s) INFO & FORMS ON THE INTERNET DEFAULT JUDGMENT It appearing that the Defendant(s) has made no appearance or defense in the captioned matter and service has been perfected according to law, the case being in default, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiff(s) has judgment against and recover of the Defendant(s), ___________________________________________________ the sum of ____________ principal, ______________ interest, ______________ attorney's fees, with future interest on the principal as provided by law, together with court costs in the amount of $______________. This ______ day of __________,200___. ___________________________ Magistrate, Gwinnett County Copies given to the following parties in open court: [] [] Plaintiff Defendant(s) ___________________________________________ Q:\Magforms\Forms\Default Judgment Mag.11-05 American LegalNet, Inc.