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Judgment Against Abandoned Motor Vehicle Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Judgment Against Abandoned Motor Vehicle, MAG 40-03, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA _________________________________________________ Plaintiff/Lien Claimant vs. _________________________________________________ (Motor Vehicle) _________________________________________________ (Vehicle Identification Number) * * * * * * * * * * Civil Action File No: ________________________________ JUDGMENT AGAINST ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE INFO & FORMS ON WEBSITE _________________________________________________ (Tag Number) Last known registered owner(s) & lienholder(s): [ ] ARE UNKNOWN ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The above-styled case having come before this Court, and Plaintiff having represented to the Court, under oath, that the last known registered owner(s) &/or lienholder(s) have [ ] filed [ ] not filed a petition in any court of competent jurisdiction connected with this motor vehicle, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 40-11-5, and the following provisions have been met; [] first notice was sent: [ ] within 7 calendar days of date vehicle removed to last known registered owner (hereinafter ALKRO@) &/ lienholder; or [ ] within one (1) business day after information was furnished to the Plaintiff by law enforcement; whichever was later. [] more than thirty days have passed since removal; [] notice was given to Dept. of Motor Vehicles (MV-603); [] demand was made by certified mail, registered mail, statutory overnight delivery, which included an itemized statement of all charges to ALKRO@/lienholder for payment and more than 10 days have passed since that notice was delivered to the address of the ALKRO@/lienholder [] ALKRO@/lienholder are unknown and legal notice has been published in the newspaper once a week for two consecutive weeks; [] this action was filed within one year from date lien recorded or vehicle abandoned; And, this is not a case involving a vehicle which has been stolen, repaired by repair facility or being stored by an insurance company. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: The Court finds that a valid debt exists against the above listed motor vehicle and that the Plaintiff is entitled to a valid lien on said motor vehicle in the amount of: $ $ $ removal fee; $ accrued storage fee ($ X __________ days); administrative fee; $__________________ advertising and notification fees; court costs for a TOTAL LIEN of $_________________________. PLUS future storage at $ per day until the date of public sale. The Plaintiff is hereby authorized to foreclose upon and sell said motor vehicle to satisfy said lien upon public auction as authorized by O.C.G.A. 40-11-6, if not immediately paid. The public auction sale of said automobile shall in all respects be in accordance with the terms and provisions of O.C.G.A. 40-11-6 and shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances on said motor vehicle. Within thirty (30) days of the date of such sale, the Plaintiff shall: (1) file a written return with this Court, under oath, setting forth the following: (a) style of this case; (b) date of public auction; (c) amount of court ordered lien; (d) amount received for vehicle at public sale; (e) requestor of service: private individual; city officer/official; county officer/official; Georgia State Patrol; (2) file with the Court with a copy of the bill of sale of the vehicle; and (3) pay to the Clerk of Court, all sums collected over and above the amount of the court ordered lien set forth herein from the proceeds of said public auction. So Ordered, this day of , 200 . __________________________________________ Magistrate Q:\Magforms\MAG 40-03 Judgment Against AMV 2003 American LegalNet, Inc.