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Motion To Compel Answers To Post-Judgment Interrogatories Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Motion To Compel Answers To Post-Judgment Interrogatories, MAG 14-07, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) in judgment, Name, Address & Phone No. GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA MOTION TO COMPEL ANSWERS TO POST JUDGMENT INTERROGATORIES CASE FILE NO: ____________________________ Info & forms on the Internet v. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Judgment Debtor(s) Name, Address & Phone No. MOTION TO COMPEL ANSWERS TO POST JUDGMENT INTERROGATORIES Comes now, the undersigned, and being duly sworn on oath or affirmation, says that he/she is [ ] plaintiff in judgment; [ ] agent of plaintiff; [ ] attorney at law for plaintiff in the above-styled action(s) and that post judgment interrogatories were properly served upon the [ ] judgment debtor; [ ] a corporate officer of the judgment debtor, ________________________________ on the following date, ____________________, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 15-10-50. Furthermore, movant states that the judgment debtor willfully failed to answer [ ] any of the interrogatories; [ ] the following numbered interrogatories _______________________. [ ] gave untruthful, evasive or incomplete answers to the following interrogatories numbered, ________ ____________________________________ which movant states are untruthful, evasive or incomplete based upon the following facts: (attach the interrogatory answers & additional sheets, as necessary) ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________. WHEREFORE, movant requests that this Court issue an Order Compelling Answers to Post Judgment Interrogatories pursuant to O.C.G.A. 15-10-51-(e) commanding the above-listed [ ] judgment debtor; [ ] a corporate officer of the judgment debtor; to fully, truthfully, and completely answer the above-referenced interrogatories under oath. [ ] Plaintiff in judgment attaches hereto copies of any answers submitted on behalf of the judgment debtor. Sworn and Subscribed before me this ____________ day of______________, 20_____. ______________________________________________ [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Agent for Plaintiff [ ] Attorney for Plaintiff ________________________________________ Notary of Public, Clerk or Magistrate My Commission expires: _____________________________ Bar Number Q:\Magforms\Forms\MAG 14-07 Motion to Compel Answers To Post Judgment Interr. American LegalNet, Inc.