Order For Possession Of Personal Property
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Order For Possession Of Personal Property Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
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Tags: Order For Possession Of Personal Property, MAG 15-05, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) v. GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA ORDER CIVIL ACTION FILE NO: _________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Defendant(s) INFO & FORMS ON THE INTERNET www.gwinnettcourts.com ORDER FOR POSSESSION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY It appearing to the Court that a Writ of Possession having been issued against the defendant(s)for personal property to be foreclosed upon, it is, ORDERED that the defendant(s) or the party in possession of the property specified in the Writ of Possession be and that person hereby is directed to turn over to the Sheriff, Marshal, or Constable of said county, or to any Sheriff, Marshal, or Constable of this State or their lawful deputies, the following described property, to-wit: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ instanter, or advise said officer of the location of the property if same is not in the defendant(s)' possession. So ORDERED, this __________ day of __________________________________, 20_______. __________________________________________ Magistrate, Magistrate Court of Gwinnett County Q:\MAGFORMS\MAG 15-05 Order for Possession of Personal Property 6-03 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com