Order Upon Motion
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Order Upon Motion Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Order Upon Motion, MAG 11-13, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
_____________________________________ _____________________________________ Plaintiff(s) v. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Defendant(s) GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA ORDER UPON MOTION ____________________________ CIVIL ACTION FILE NO: ___________________________ INFO & FORMS ON THE INTERNET www.gwinnettcourts.com ORDER UPON MOTION The [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Defendant having filed a Motion ___________________ ________________________________________________ in the above case and the matter having come before this Court for a hearing. Upon consideration of the record and the evidence, the [ ] Plaintiff's [ ] Defendant's Motion is hereby: [ ] GRANTED. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ [ ] DENIED. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ This ___ day of _________, 200____. ________________________________ Magistrate Copies to parties & attorneys for: [ ] Plaintiff ; [ ] Defendant. Q:\Magforms\forms\MAG 11-13 MOTION ORDER American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com