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Post-Judgment Interrogatories (Plaintiffs) Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Post-Judgment Interrogatories (Plaintiffs), MAG 14-05, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (Plaintiff(s) in judgment, Name, Address and Phone No.) VS. GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA POST JUDGMENT INTERROGATORIES CURRENT CASE NO: _______________________ ORIGINAL CASE NO: _________________________ NAME OF COURT ISSUING ORIGINAL JUDGMENT: __________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (Judgment Debtor(s) Name, Address and Phone No.) Direct interrogatories to the appropriate corporate officer for corporate debtors. POST JUDGMENT INTERROGATORIES Comes now, the Plaintiff in judgment, and hereby submits the Post Judgment Interrogatories set forth on the reverse side of this document to the judgment debtor. The Plaintiff in judgment in the above styled action requests that the Judgment Debtor answer the following interrogatories, separately, fully and under oath and serve such answers upon the plaintiff in judgment at plaintiff's address show above, by mail or hand delivery within thirty (30) days after service of these interrogatories. The Plaintiff in judgment states that the original principal amount for the original judgment does not exceed the principal amount of $15,000.00 and was issued by a court of this state. The original judgment was entered [ ] within the last 30 days; [ ] more than 30 days ago; on the following date:____________________________________. This ___ day of _______________, 20____. [ ] Plaintiff ; [ ] Plaintif'f's Agent NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE TO THE PLAINTIFF WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER SERVICE OF THESE INTERROGATORIES UPON YOU. IF YOU DO NOT ANSWER, OR DO NOT ANSWER COMPLETELY, YOU MAY BECOME SUBJECT TO THE SANCTIONS PROVIDED BY LAW FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. IF YOU NEED FURTHER INSTRUCTION OR IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE IN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS CONTACT THE COURT AT ONCE. FILE WRITTEN ANSWERS WITH CLERK OF THIS COURT. Witness the Honorable Kristina Hammer Blum Chief Magistrate of said Court, _______________________________________ MAG 14-05 Post Judgment Interrog & Notice (Rev 6-08).wpd American LegalNet, Inc. ______________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) in judgment v. ______________________________________________ Debtor - Defendant(s) GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT, STATE OF GEORGIA POST JUDGMENT INTERROGATORIES & ANSWERS CIVIL ACTION FILE NO: ___________________________ To the Judgment Debtor: The plaintiff in judgment in the foregoing case requests that you answer the following interrogatories separately, fully, and under oath and serve such answers on said plaintiff at plaintiff's address by mail or hand delivery within 30 days after service of these interrogatories. 1. List the address and phone number of your residence(s). 2. List the name, address, and phone number of your employer(s). 3. Describe and state the location of each piece of real estate in which you own any interest. 4. List year, make, model and tag number, of all vehicles and to whom you are making payments to. 5. Give the names, addresses, phone numbers, and description of the nature of any business venture in which you own any interest. 6. List the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons who owe money to you and specify amounts owed (if your creditors). 7. List the names and addresses of all banks or savings institutions where you have any sums of money deposited and identify the accounts by number. 8. List and give the present location of all items of personal property owned by you that have a value of more than $100.00. 9. List the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons who you owe money to. (List all Creditors) VERIFICATION , being first duly sworn, on oath says the foregoing are true complete answers to the interrogatories propounded by the Plaintiff to Defendant. [ ] I have attached additional sheets. Sworn and subscribed before me, this day of , 20 . ____________________________________________________ [ ] DEFENDANT [ ] DEFENDANT'S AGENT NOTARY PUBLIC OR ATTESTING OFFICIAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: (Reverse side of MAG14-05) American LegalNet, Inc.