Victim Identification Information
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Victim Identification Information Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
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Tags: Victim Identification Information, MAG 20-32, Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
VICTIM IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION To District Attorney s Office/Solicitors Office Victims Rights Act Defendants Officer/Person Name Completing Form Warrant Number(s) F/M Offense(s) Victims Ri ghts Advised By: (circle, if applicable) Officer Magistrate Clerk Other Victim Given: (circle, if applicable) DA Brochure PD Handout Verbal Other Victim is an Individual or Minor Child Victim is a Business Name(s) (List all Race (check applicable) EXACT Business Name: (Get from posted business license, if victims at same address) necessary.) [ ] Caucasian; Address [ ] African/American; City/State/Zip The business entity is: (circle) [ ] Hispanic; Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation Tel. - home [ ] American Indian /Alaskan native Tel. - work Address [ ] Multiracial [ ] Asian/Pacific Islander If victim is a minor, list his/her contact person; Victims next of kin/contact person: [ ] Male [ ] Female City/State/Zip Address Victims SSN (if available) Contact Person(s): City/State/Zip Tel. - home Victims DOB: Tel. number(s) Tel. - work Crime victims of felony offenses should contact the District Attorneys office -- 770.822.8444. Crime victims of misdemeanor offenses should contactthe Solicitors office 770.822.8300. Victims may be eligible for compensation. MAG 20-32