Notice And Summons (Foreclosure Of Liens On Abandoned Vehicle)
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Notice And Summons (Foreclosure Of Liens On Abandoned Vehicle) Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Gwinnett Local County.
Tags: Notice And Summons (Foreclosure Of Liens On Abandoned Vehicle), Georgia Local County, Gwinnett
IN THE STATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA ____________________________________ ____________________________________ PLAINTIFF CIVIL ACTION NO._____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ DEFENDANT NOTICE AND SUMMONS O.C.G.A. 40-11-5 FORECLOSURE OF LIENS ON ABANDONED VEHICLE TO: The above named defendant (s) You are hereby notified that an affidavit to Foreclose Lien on an abandoned motor vehicle has been filed as appears from the attached affidavit. You are further notified that you have the right to a hearing to determine if reasonable cause exists to believe that a valid debt exists and the hearing must be petitioned for within ten (10) days from the service of this notice upon you, If petition is not made within the allowed time, the lien will conclusively be deemed valid and foreclosure allowed. WITNESS The Honorable _____________________________________, Judge of said Court. This _______ day of _____________________________, 20______. Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk, Gwinnett State Court __________________________________ Deputy Clerk � Gwinnett State Court Certified Mail or if unknown posting American LegalNet, Inc.