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Articles of Dissolution (Nonprofit Corporation) Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles of Dissolution (Nonprofit Corporation), CD 530, Georgia Secretary Of State, Corporation
Instructions for completing F orm CD 530 ( Articles o f Dissolution ) Important Please Read . Dis solution is a complex process. A nonprofit corporation that has commenced activities may dissolve by filing a Notice of Intent to Dissolve pursuant to O.C.G.A. 14 - 3 - 1404 and Articles of Dissolution pursuant to O.C.G.A. 14 - 3 - 1409 . Form CD 525 and CD 530 may be used for this purpose. However, u se of these forms is optional. Articles of dissolution may be drafted pursuant to O.C.G.A. 14 - 3 - 1409. Forms CD 525 and CD 530 are not intended to re place competent legal counsel. Secretary of State staff is not authorized to provide legal counsel or expla in the steps necessary to successfully dissolve a corporati on or to complete these forms. It is for this reason filers are strongly urged to obtain professional legal, tax , and / or business advice to assure the filer s goals and intentions are met, that requirements of the law are satisfied, and that members , officers and directors are protected even after the dissolution. Artic le One Name of the corporation Provide the name of the nonprofit corporation . Control numb er Provide the control number of the corporation. Article Two Date Notice of I ntent filed Provide the date on which the notice of intent was filed with the Secretary o f S tate. If the notice of intent and articles of dissolution are filed simultaneously provide date documents are actually submitted to Secretary o f State. Article Three Filer must provide a statement that the No tice o f Intent to Dissolve has not been revoked. Article Four Filer must choose one of the statements: (1) All debts, obligatio ns and liabilities of the corporation have been paid and d ischarged ; or (2) adequate provision made for their disposition. Article Five Filer must choose one of the statements addressing the dispos ition of assests must be made in accordance with the plan of dissolution, or if applicable remaining property and assets must be deposited with The Office of State Treasurer (See O.C.G.A. 24714 - 3 - 1440). Article Six There must be no actions pending against the corporation prior to its dissolution, or adequate disposition must be made to satisfy any judgment, order or decree that may be pe nding against the corporation. Filer must choose one of the statements. Article Seven Check the appropriate statement regarding the effective date and time of the articles of dissolution. If the articles of dissolution are to be effective on the date of filing, check the first statement. If the articles of dissolution are to become effectiv e later than the date of filing, check the second statement and enter the effective date and time in the space provided. Please be advised that the delayed effective date may not be later than 90 days after the filing date of the articles of dissolution . S ignature The articles of dissolution must be signed by either the chair person of the board of di rectors, an officer, a receiver, trustee or fiduciary if one has been appointed by a court, or an attorney in fact . The signer must state the capacity in which he or she is signing. Print the name of the signer. There is no fee for filing articles of dissolution. Please mail or deliver t he completed form to : Corporations Division , 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE, Suite 313 West Tower , Atlanta, Georgia 30334 . American LegalNet, Inc. Secretary of State OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE CORPOR A TIONS DIVISION 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE Suite 313 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334 (404) 656 - 2817 Articles of Dissolution Article One The name of the nonprofit corporation is: . The control number is: . Article Two The date on which the Notice of Intent to Dissolve was filed with the Secretary of State was : . Article Three The Notice of Intent to Dissolve has not been revoked. Article Four (Choose one statement only) All known debts, liabilities, and obligations of the corporation have been paid and discharged . Adequate provisions of the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the corporation have been made therefor. Article Five (Choose one statement only) A ll remaining property and assets of the corporation have been distributed in accordance with the plan of dissolution . A ll remaining property and assets of the corporation have been deposited with the Office of the State Treasurer as provided in Code Section 14 - 3 - 1440 . Article Six (Choose one statement only) There are no actions pending against the corporation in any court. A dequate provision has been made for the satisfaction of any judgment, order, or decree which may be entered against it in any pending action . Article Seven (Choose one statement only) The corporation is not required to notify the Attorney General of its intent to dissolve . The corporation has notified the Attorney General of its intent to dissolve. Article Eight (Check, and if applicable complete, one of the following) The articles of dissolution shall be effective upon the filing with the Secretary of State. The articles of dissolution shall be effective on: at . (Date) (Time) IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the undersigned has executed these Articles of Dissolution on . (Date) Signature Print Name Capacity (choose one option only): Chairperson of Board of Directors Officer Court - Appointed Fiduciary Attorney I n F act Email Address: Form CD 5 3 0 (Rev. 6/2019 ) American LegalNet, Inc.