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Name Reservation Request Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Name Reservation Request, Georgia Secretary Of State, Corporation
Form - Name Reservations (Rev . 10/2018 ) Secretary of St a te OFFICE OF SECRE T ARY OF S TA T E CORPORATIO N S DIVISION 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE Suite 313 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334 (404) 656 - 2817 NAME RESERVATION REQUEST Applicant Name : Street Address: City: State: Z ip Code: Email Address: Phone Number: T h e n o nrefu n da b le filing fee i s $ 2 5.0 0 . The fee is for performing the search and will not be refunded if the name is not available. Yo u m ay apply to reserve a name by completing this form and submitting it to our office with a ch e ck, c a sh i e r c h eck o r m oney o rd e r m ade payable to the Georgia Secr et ary of State. Y o u m ay also r equ e st a na m e reservation onli n e at O n li n e filers can p ay using a cre d it card (M/C, Visa, Disc ov e r o r AMEX). Once approv e d, you will receive a n a m e reservation nu m ber valid for 30 days. W i t h in 30 days, y ou m ay file entity formation documents us in g t h e na m e reserva t i o n . Na m e reserva tio ns c an not be r e new e d an d will e xp i re after 3 0 d ays . H o w e v er, you may reser v e t h e n a m e a g ain f o r $25.00 as lo n g as t h e n a m e is a v aila b le. If t h e req u ested n a m e is no t a v aila b le a re j ecti o n no tice will b e se n t v ia tele p ho n e, e m ail o r US m ail. The notice will i n clu d e i n str u c ti o ns o n s ub m itti n g anot h er req u est w i t h in 10 da y s of the notice w i t h o u t ad d itio n a l cha r ge. Please be advi s ed that t h e on l ine system only perfor m s a preliminary sear c h of our datab a se. An i n - hou s e e x a m i n er will p erform a d etailed search and c o nfirm w h ether o r n o t yo u r n a m e is a v aila b le. Your na m e is NOT c o nfir m e d a n d res e rved u n til you receive official no tification from t h is o f fice. No activity or investment under a name, such as advertising, purchase of a seal, entry into legal transactions, etc., should be conducted based on a name reservation. Suc h action should not be taken until the entity formation documents are filed and a certificate of incorporation, certificate of organization, certificate of limited partnership , or certificate of authority is issued by the Secretary of State. Please indicate your c h oice( s ) f o r a name: ( Enter the exact na m e of the orga n i zation . ) 1 st prefere n ce: 2 nd preference: 3 rd preference: Please r e turn this for m , alo n g wi th y o ur p a yme n t to : Office of Secretary of State, Corporations Division, Name R es er vation Request, 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE, Suite 313 West Tower, Atlanta, Georgia 30334. American LegalNet, Inc.