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Secretary of State OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE CORPOR A TIONS DIVISION 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE Suite 313 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334 (404) 656 - 2817 STATEMENT OF RESIGNATION OF REGISTERED AGENT 1. Resigning Registered Agent: Name : Current Street Address and County of Registered Office on File with the Secretary of State: Email Address: 2. Enti t y Name : Entity Control Number: Entity T y pe (ch e ck one only): Corpor a t i o n Limited Liabili t y Compa n y Limited Partner s hip/Limited Liability Limited Partnership Limited Liabili t y Partnership 3. Statement of resignation: The undersigned hereby resigns as registered agent for the above - named entity . 4. Statement of discontinuance of registered office : ( Choose one of the following statement s .) The registered office is a lso discontinued. The registered office will remain the same. 5. Statement of notification: T he undersigned certifies that written notice of intention to resign as registered agent was delivered or mailed to the above - named entity in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated . 6. The appointment is terminated , and the registered office discontinued if so provided, on the 31st day after the date on which th is statement is filed with the Secretary of State , or on the date the entity files an annual registration designating a new registered agent if filed prior to the 31 st day . 7. I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is true and corre ct. Signa t ure of Resigning Registered Agent Date Print Name Title (if signing for an entity) F orm RA - 1 ( Rev. 10/2018 ) American LegalNet, Inc.