UCC Financing Statement (UCC-1) Filing Checklist
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UCC Financing Statement (UCC-1) Filing Checklist Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Uniform Commercial Code Secretary Of State.
Tags: UCC Financing Statement (UCC-1) Filing Checklist, Georgia Secretary Of State, Uniform Commercial Code
UCC Financing Statement (UCC-1) Filing Checklist 1. Use only the Authority-approved forms. If using the online form (http://www.gsccca.org/filesandforms/uccforms.asp), you may electronically enter information into the data fields. The State of Georgia only accepts the IACA-adopted forms with a revision date of 04/20/2011, or later. 2. UCC-1 financing statements are filed at the county level with the Clerk of Superior Court. For Clerk contact information, please go to https://www.gsccca.org/clerks . UCCs mailed to the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority will be returned without filing. 3. The filing fee is $10 per document plus $2 per page for attachments. An addendum is treated as an attachment. 4. Make your check payable to County Clerk of Superior Court. Do not make checks payable to the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority. 5. It is suggested to enter contact information in blocks A and/or B. This will assist the clerk's office if the filer needs to be contacted. 6. Enter information in block C so the clerk's office may send acknowledgment of the filing. It is suggested that you include a self-addressed stamped envelope. 7. Enter a debtor's name in either block 1a OR 1b � NOT BOTH. Additional debtor name(s) should be listed in 2a OR 2b. If more space is required for additional debtor names, please use the Financing Statement Addendum form or attach the UCC-1AP (Financing Statement Additional Party) form(s). 8. Each debtor must have a corresponding address. 9. Enter a secured party's name in either 3a OR 3b � NOT BOTH. Additional secured party names should be listed on the Addendum form or attach the UCC-1AP (Financing Statement Additional Party) form(s). 10. Each secured party should have a corresponding mailing address. 11. If block 4 does not provide enough space to list collateral, please attach collateral description and make reference in block 4. 12. Completion of block 7 is optional. 13. Completion of block 8 is optional Rev. 07/01/13 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com