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Witness Subpoena Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in General Statewide.
Tags: Witness Subpoena, Georgia Statewide, General
WITNESS SUBPOENA State of Georgia, ______________ County TO: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ You are hereby commanded, that laying all other business aside, you be and appear at the Superior Court before the presiding Judge in the State of Georgia, _______________________ County Courthouse, ____________________________________, GA to be held on _______________ at __________am/pm in the _________room then and there to be sworn as a witness for the ________________ in the case of ______________________________________ vs ________________________________________, Case Number __________________. You are required to attend from day to day and from time to time until the matter is disposed of. HEREIN FAIL NOT, under the penalty of law by authority of the Honorable ____________________________________, Judge of said court this ____________________. Any Questions Contact: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone No. ______________________ _______________________________, Clerk of Superior Court ________________________________________ Subpoena Issued by Attorney of Record for _________________ RETURN OF SERVICE I served the within witness _____________________________ with this subpoena on ______________________ at _______ am/pm by: ____ delivering to him/her in person, or by ____ registered or certified mail. Served by: ________________________________ Name and Title "Pursuant to OCGA 24-13-21(c-h), this subpoena form is being provided to the attorney of record and shall be completed prior to service upon the witness. If an individual misuses a subpoena, he or she shall be subject to punishment for contempt of court and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or not more than 20 days imprisonment, or both. A witness may contact the Clerk of Court's office to verify this subpoena was issued for a valid case." American LegalNet, Inc.