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Adoption Status Hearing Order Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in Juvenile Court Statewide.
Tags: Adoption Status Hearing Order, Georgia Statewide, Juvenile Court
____________ COUNTY JUVENILE COURT FILED IN THE CLERKS OFFICE ON _____DAY OF _____________, 20___ ____________________________________ DEPUTY CLERK IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF _________ COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE INTEREST OF: _______________________________ SEX: ____ DOB: ______________ CASE # ________________________ _______________________________ SEX: ____ DOB: _____________ CASE # ________________________ _______________________________ SEX: ____ DOB: _____________ CASE # ________________________ _______________________________ SEX: ____ DOB: _____________ CASE # ________________________ Child(ren) Under 18 Years of Age ADOPTION STATUS HEARING ORDER The parental rights of the mother were terminated/surrndereed on _____________________. The parental rights of the father were terminated/surrendered on _______________________. Said child(ren) was/were placed in the custody of the Georgia Department of Human Resources. The permanency plan for said child(ren) is adoption. This matter is before the Court for a Judicial Review pursuant to the requirements of O.C.G.A. Section 15-11-103. ( ) The adoption of the child(ren) was finalized on ____________________________. It is therefore Ordered that this case BE and HEREBY IS CLOSED. ( ) The adoption of the child(ren) has not been finalized because _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) It appears from the report made by said Departmatent th all reasonable efforts to finalize the permanency of said child(ren) have been made since this matter was last before the Court, to wit: _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) It appears from the report made by said Departmat the Deparent thtment has failed to make reasonable efforts to finalize the permanency of said child(ren). The following further efforts are ordered: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that said child(ren) shall remain in the custody and control of the Georgia Department of Human Resources pending finalization of the adoption. ( ) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this matter shall be brought back before the Court for another review on _____________________________________, at __________, ___.m. unless the adoption has been finalized prior to that date. IT IS SO ORDERED this _____ day of __________________, 20____. ____________________________________________ JUDGE _________________________ County Juvenile Court