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SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS OR OTHER EVIDENCE IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF __________________________ COUNTY, GEORGIA In the Interest of CASE NUMBER___________________________ SEX _____________________________________ DOB ________________ AGE _______________ ___________________________________, A Child. TO: ______________________________________________________________ GREETINGS: You are hereby commanded, that, laying all other business aside, you be and appear at the JUVENILE COURT OF_____________________ COUNTY, GEORGIA, for a hearing to be held at _______________________________________________________________________ Address __________________ Georgia, on the ______ day of __________________________________, 20_____, at ___________ oclock ____m., and thereafter from day to day until discharged, then and there to be sworn as a witness in the above stated matter. You are further required and commanded to bring with you into said Court: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Herein fail not under penalty of law, including a fine of up to $300 and/or possible confinement for up to twenty (20) days in the common jail of said county. WITNESS, the Honorable ________________________, Judge of said Court, this ________ day of _______________________________, 20_____. __________________________________________ Clerk/Deputy Clerk of __________________________ County Juvenile Court PROOF OF SERVICE I have this _______ day of _____________________, 20____, served the within subpoena by delivering to and leaving same with ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Authorized Signature Rev. 01/2001 JUV-9