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MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF JUVENILE COURT ORDER IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF ________________________ COUNTY, GEORGIA In the interest of _________________________ SEX ____ AGE ____ DOB ___________ CASE # ___________ _________________________ SEX ____ AGE ____ DOB ___________ CASE # ___________ _________________________ SEX ____ AGE ____ DOB ___________ CASE # ___________ _________________________ SEX ____ AGE ____ DOB ___________ CASE # ___________ A child/children. ADDRESS: MOTHER: FATHER: IN CUSTODY OF: DATE OF ORDER: ORIGINAL CASE NUMBER _________________ FACTUAL BASIS FOR MOTION: MOTION Now comes______________________________________________, and moves the Court to extend the order of the Juvenile Court of _______________________ County, Georgia, dated ________________________________, for an additional two year period, from the date of expiration of said order, in accordance with O.C.G.A. 15-11-58. This ____________ day of ______________________________, 20______. _____________________________ Signature of Movant Rev. 01/2001 JUV-6>>>> 2 NOTICE OF HEARING The within and foregoing Motion filed and the said matter to come on for a review in the Juvenile Court of____________________ County, Georgia, on __________________________ at ____________________________, the interested parties should be present in Court to show cause why said motion should not be granted. This ____________ day of ______________________________, 20______. ________________________________________________ Clerk/Deputy Clerk of _____________________________ County Juvenile Court Summons attached ORDER TO EXTEND The foregoing motion having come on before me for hearing and consideration, it is hereby ordered and adjudged that the previous order of this court dated the __________________ day of _____________________________________ 20______ be and the same hereby is extended for ________________________________ under the provisions of O.C.G.A. 15-11-58. This ____________ day of ______________________________, 20______. ____________________________________________ Judge/Associate Judge of __________________________ County Juvenile Court Motion denied this, the ____________ day of ______________________________, 20_______. ____________________________________________ Judge/Associate Judge of ___________________________County Juvenile Court Rev. 01/2001 JUV-6