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APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER Supplement 2 INSTRUCTIONS I. Specific Instructions 1. This form is to be used when the Court determines that for the purpose of a particular proceeding, it is appropriate to appoint a special process server to better perfect service. 2. O.C.G.A. § 53-11-2 provides that a party to a probate proceeding who is not sui juris must be represented by a guardian provided that the Court may appoint a guardian ad litem or determine that the natural guardian, guardian, conservator, or testamentary guardian has no conflict and may serve. Should a guardian ad litem be necessary because a party is not sui juris, use Supplement 1. 3. Use Supplement 3 when an additional certificate of service is necessary. II. General Instructions General instructions applicable to all Georgia Probate Court Standard Forms are available in each Probate Court or at, labeled GPCSF 1. GPCSF Supplement 2 [i] Eff. July 2016 American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF _______________________ COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) __________________________________, ) DECEASED/MINOR/ADULT WARD/ ) ALLEGED INCAPACITATED ADULT ) IN RE: ESTATE OF ESTATE NO. _____________ ORDER TO APPOINT SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER AS TO PETITION ________________________________________________________________ [Name of Petition] IT IS ORDERED that _____________________________________________________ [Full name of person appointed] First Middle Last is hereby appointed as Special Process Server in the above matter, and the following documents shall be served _________________________________________________________________ [List documents to be served] upon _________________________________________________________________________ [Full name of person to be served] First Middle Last SO ORDERED this _____ day of _______________, 20_____. ____________________________________ Judge of the Probate Court GPCSF Supplement 2 [1] Eff. July 2016 American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF _______________________ COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) __________________________________, ) DECEASED/MINOR/ADULT WARD/ ) ALLEGED INCAPACITATED ADULT ) IN RE: ESTATE OF ESTATE NO. _____________ RETURN OF SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER AS TO PETITION ________________________________________________________ [Name of Petition] I have served ____________________________________________________________ [Full name of person to be served] First Middle Last personally with a copy of the (documents as ordered) (following documents): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ [List of documents served] at the following address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Street City County State Zip Code at ____:_____ a.m./p.m. on ____________________, 20_____ _________________________________________ Signature of Special Process Server _________________________________________ Printed Name Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of _____________, 20___. ______________________________________ NOTARY/CLERK OF PROBATE COURT My Commission Expires: ______________ GPCSF Supplement 2 [2] Eff. July 2016 American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF _______________________ COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) __________________________________, ) DECEASED/MINOR/ADULT WARD/ ) ALLEGED INCAPACITATED ADULT ) IN RE: ESTATE OF ESTATE NO. _____________ RETURN OF SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER AS TO PETITION ________________________________________________________ [Name of Petition] I have this day attempted to serve ____________________________________________ [Full name of person to be served] First Middle Last personally with a copy of the (documents as ordered) (following documents): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ [List documents served] at the following address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Street City County State Zip Code but was unsuccessful in process of service due to: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature of Special Process Server __________________________________________ Printed Name Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of _____________, 20___. ______________________________________ NOTARY/CLERK OF PROBATE COURT My Commission Expires: ______________ GPCSF Supplement 2 [3] Eff. July 2016 American LegalNet, Inc.