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Ttggggg information to identify your case: Fill in this Debtor name __________________________________________________________________ Unitted States Bankruptcy Court - District of Hawaii Case number (if known) ___________________________ Local Form H1074b (4/16) Designation of Responsible Individual The debtor is a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company, and designates the following as its responsible individual pursuant to LBR 1074-1(b). [Note: 1) If the individual does not reside in the District of Hawaii, attach this designation to a motion for court approval; 2) If there is more than one responsible individual being designated, attach an additional designation and a statement specifying each individual's responsibilities.] Name: Position: Address: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: ______________________________________ CONSENT The undersigned consents to this designation as the individual responsible for performing the duties of the debtor in this bankruptcy case. Dated: _____________________________ /s/ __________________________________ Responsible Individual American LegalNet, Inc.