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Notice Of Motion Related To Chapter 13 Plan Form. This is a Hawaii form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Notice Of Motion Related To Chapter 13 Plan, hib 3015-5n, Hawaii Federal, Bankruptcy Court
Attorney/Party Name, Address, Phone, Fax, E-mail:
For court use only
Case No.
Chapter 13
Social Security No. (last 4 digits):
Joint Debtor:
Social Security No. (last 4 digits):
Motion to Value Collateral
Motion to Avoid Lien
Secured Creditor(s):
Case filed on or after October 17, 2006; See page 2 for any provision(s) that may arguably
be contrary to the Bankruptcy Code under 11 U.S.C. § 1325(a) or § 522(f), as amended.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a plan proposed by the Debtor(s) concerns your interest in the property
described above. If not attached, a copy of the plan and related motion has been sent to you separately.
Your rights may be affected. You should read the plan and the motion carefully and discuss them with
your attorney, if you have one in this bankruptcy case. (If you do not have an attorney, you may wish to
consult one.)
If you do not want the court to approve the proposed treatment of your claim, or if you want the court to
consider your views on the motion, then on or before the later of 20 days after the date of the notice of
the conclusion of the meeting of creditors or 20 days after service of an amended plan and any related
motions, you or your attorney must file an “Objection to Chapter 13 Plan / Related Motion” at:
United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Hawaii
1132 Bishop Street, Suite 250L
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.
If you mail your response to the court for filing, you must mail it early enough so the court will receive it
on or before the deadline stated above. If you file a timely objection, it will be considered at the plan
confirmation hearing. If you or your attorney do not file a timely objection, the court may decide that you
do not oppose the relief being sought in the motion and may enter an order confirming the plan, including
the valuation of collateral or avoidance of liens as requested by the Debtor.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Case No.
If a box below is checked, read this additional notice for provision(s) in the proposed plan that may
arguably be contrary to the Bankruptcy Code under 11 U.S.C. § 1325(a) or § 522(f), as amended.
Because the plan proposed by the Debtor(s) includes the provision(s) described below, the court may
confirm the plan only if you accept the plan. If you do not want to accept the plan, you must file with the
court a timely objection to the plan. If you do not file a timely objection, you will have accepted the plan.
This notice is intended to notify you of the opportunity to object to the provision(s) identified below. If the
court enters a confirmation order, the plan’s provisions will be binding on you and the Debtor(s), even if the
particular provision may arguably be contrary to the Bankruptcy Code, as amended 10/17/2005.
The plan provides for less than full payment of a debt that (1) is secured by a purchase money
security interest in the motor vehicle described above and (2) was incurred within 910 days
preceding the date of the filing of the bankruptcy petition.
The plan provides for less than full payment of a debt that (1) is secured by a purchase money
security interest in the property described above and (2) was incurred within 1 year preceding the
date of the filing of the bankruptcy petition.
The plan provides that you will NOT retain your lien in the property described above until paid in full
under nonbankruptcy law or until a discharge is issued to the Debtor(s).
The plan provides that you will receive periodic payments, but such payments will NOT be made
in equal monthly amounts.
The plan provides for the avoidance of a lien in household goods that are not included in the
definition of “household goods” in § 522(f)(4).
OTHER PROVISION [Attach explanation if more space needed]:
Date: ____________________
/s/ ___________________________
Debtor / Joint Debtor / Attorney
American LegalNet, Inc.