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Ttggggg information to identify your case: Fill in this Debtor 1 Debtor 2 __________________________________________________________________ First Name Middle Name Last Name ________________________________________________________________ Middle Name Last Name (Spouse, if filing) First Name United States Bankruptcy Court - District of Hawaii Case number (If known) ___________________________ Local Form H1007-2d (12/15) Debtor's Verification of Creditor List The undersigned debtor certifies under penalty of perjury that all entities included or to be included in schedules D, E/F, G, and H have been listed in the creditor list submitted with this verification. This includes all my creditors, parties to leases and executory contracts, and codebtors. I also certify that the names and addresses of the listed entities are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I must file an amended creditor list and pay an amendment fee if there are creditors or parties listed in my schedules who have not been included in this list. /s/_________________________________ Debtor 1 /s/__________________________________ Debtor 2 Dated: _____________________________ Dated: ______________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.