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Filer's Name, Address, Phone, Email: hib_20031 (08/16) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF HAWAII 1132 Bishop Street, Suite 250 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Debtor(s): Case No.: Chapter: Hearing Date: Time: MOTION TO DISMISS CASE FOR NONAPPEARANCE AT MEETING OF CREDITORS; NOTICE OF HEARING The undersigned hereby declares under penalty of the perjury that the Debtor and/or Joint Debtor failed to appear at the meeting of creditors scheduled in this case on the date(s) noted below and moves for an order dismissing this case due to unreasonable delay by debtor(s) prejudicial to creditors. Debtor absent: __________________________ Joint Debtor absent: __________________________ If checked, the motion concerns only the following debtor in a joint case: _________________________ Describe any unusual circumstances concerning this motion: In the alternative, if the case is not dismissed, the undersigned requests that any deadlines calculated from the first date set for the meeting of creditors be recalculated using any newly scheduled meeting date. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing on this motion will be held at 1132 Bishop Street, Suite 250, Honolulu, Hawaii, at the date and time above. Your rights may be affected. You should read the motion or application and the accompanying papers carefully and discuss them with your attorney if you have one in this bankruptcy case or proceeding. (If you do not have an attorney, you may wish to consult one.) If you do not want the court to dismiss the case or if you want the court to consider your views on the motion, then you or your attorney must file a statement explaining your position not later than 14 days before the hearing date. Responses must be filed with the court at the address shown above, and sent to the moving party at the address in the upper left corner of this document. If you mail your response to the court for filing, you must mail it early enough so the court will receive it on or before the deadline stated above. If you or your attorney do not take these steps, the court may decide that you do not oppose the motion and may cancel the hearing and grant the relief requested. Dated: ______________________ /s/ ______________________________ Trustee / U.S. Trustee American LegalNet, Inc.