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INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TRANSCRIPT ORDER (NON-APPEAL) FORM TRANSCRIPT REQUEST Please refer to the Electronic Case File docket of the case to determine the court proceedings, date of proceedings, and the court reporter or other method utilized to record the specific court hearing. The court reporter or method utilized is indicated in parentheses preceding the name of the presiding judge in all capital letters at the end of each docket entry, or Minutes of the hearing. Minutes of hearings are designated by EP, Entering Proceedings. DISTRIBUTION OF TRANSCRIPT ORDER (NON-APPEAL) FORM 1. Do Not File the Transcript Order (Non-Appeal) Form with the District Court. 2. Serve the completed Order Form by e-mailing it to each court reporter you designate and/or, when designating digital audio (FTR) recordings of court proceedings, by e-mailing it to Court reporter contact information is on the court's website at 3. Make arrangements for payment of cost with court reporter(s)/transcriber(s). 4. Retain a copy of the completed Order Form for your records. American LegalNet, Inc. IntheUnitedStatesDistrictCourtFortheDistrictofHawaiiTRANSCRIPTORDER(NonAppeal)Tobecompletedbypartyorderingtranscript:DO NOT FILE DistributetoCourtReporter(s)PleaseSeeFormInstructionsForTranscriptRatesandContactInformation PrintNamePhoneNumberDate MailingAddressCityState/ZipCode CaseNumberJudgeoCriminaloCiviloCriminalJusticeActoRetainedCounseloProSeoOrdinary(30day)o14Day(14day)oExpedited(7day)oDailyoHourlyoRealtime CaseName TRANSCRIPTREQUESTSpecifycourtreporter(s)anddate(s)ofproceeding(s)forwhichtranscriptisrequested: DateofProceeding(s)CourtReporterProceeding(s)Pleasespecifyifpartialproceedings CERTIFICATIONBysigningbelow,IcertifythatIwillpayallcharges(depositplusadditional): SIGNATUREEMAILADDRESS American LegalNet, Inc.