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STATE OF HAWAI`I CIRCUIT COURT OF THE __________ CIRCUIT CASE NUMBER RETURN AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE DOCUMENTS SERVED: I, Sheriff/Police Officer of the State of Hawai`i do hereby certify that I received a certified copy of the documents listed above and that I served the same on _____________________________________________________________ (name of party) on ____________________________ at ______________________________ at _____________________________ (date) (address) (time) _______________________________________________________________ within the State of Hawai`i as follows: PERSONAL: By delivering to and leaving with __________________________________________ , personally. SUBSTITUTE: [HRCP 4(d) (1) (A)] After due and diligent search and inquiry, I served above-named defendant through __________________________________________________, a person of suitable age and discretion then residing at said party's usual place of abode, since the defendant could not be found. SUBSTITUTE: [HRCP 4(d) (1) (B)] I served above-named defendant through ___________________________, authorized agent to receive service of process for said defendant. BUSINESS/CORPORATION/GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY: On _______________________________________ (name of business/corp/entity) _______________________by serving through ____________________________________________________, (name of person served) __________________________, who is the _______________________________________ and authorized agent (postition/title) of said Business/Corporation/Governmental Entity. GARNISHMENT: I served ____________________________________________ through ________________ (name of garnishee) _____________________________________ who is authorized to accept service for the above-named garnishee. (name of person served) NOT FOUND: After due and diligent search and inquiry, I am unable to find ___________________________. (name of party) Attorney (Name, I.D. No., Address, Phone) Date: Sheriff/Police Officer (type or print) Signature FORM NO. 001103 (7/91) American LegalNet, Inc. RETURN AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE 1C-P-022 CommonLook® 508 Certified SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DATE: ______________________________ IN __________________ , HAWAI`I NOTARY PUBLIC'S SIGNATURE: __________________________________ STATE OF HAWAI`I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE __________________________________________________________________________________________ (signature of person served) (date) (time) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.