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Judiciary, State of Hawaii, First Circuit, Family, District and Circuit Court Attorney Court Jacket Application APPLICANT/CONTACT NAME(S): LAW FIRM NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NUMBER: The following action is requested: 1. New court jacket at: Kaahumanu Hale Circuit Court (Honolulu) Family Court 4675 Kapolei Parkway (Kapolei)* Kauikeaouli Hale District Court (Honolulu) STATE: ZIP CODE: FAX NUMBER: Name(s) of attorney(s) associated with the above-named law firm: 2. Remove court jacket at: Kaahumanu Hale Circuit Court (Honolulu) Family Court 4675 Kapolei Parkway (Kapolei) Kauikeaouli Hale District Court (Honolulu) Name of court jacket to be removed: 3. Change court jacket name from: to: 4. Add attorney(s) associated with the above-named law firm: 5. Remove attorney(s) associated with the above-named law firm: By submitting this application, I agree to the following and understand that failure to adhere to these conditions may result in the removal of this court jacket: 1. Each court jacket must be emptied at least one time per week. 2. Placement of documents, other than legal pleadings, is prohibited. 3. Each attorney shall have only one (1) court jacket listed under the name of his/her law firm. 4. The law firm is responsible for notifying the Legal Documents Branch of any court jacket changes. The First Circuit Courts are not responsible for legal pleadings placed in the wrong court jacket resulting from failure to notify the Legal Documents Branch of a change related to maintenance of a court jacket. Signature of Applicant/Contact Date Please submit your application to the Legal Documents Branch 1 by: 1) mail to Kaahumanu Hale Circuit Court, 777 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, Kauikeaouli Hale District Court, 1111 Alakea Street, 3rd floor, Honolulu, HI 96813 or Family Court, 4675 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, HI 96707; 2) fax to 808-539-4314 (Circuit/Family) or 808-538-5111 (District); or 3) submitting to the Documents Receiving Section at Kaahumanu Hale Circuit Court, Kauikeaouli Hale District Court or Family Court. *NOTE: If, as of February 1, 2010, your law firm already maintained a court jacket on the 2nd floor of the Family Court at Kaahumanu Hale Circuit Court, you need not apply for a court jacket at the Family Court (Kapolei). Your existing 2nd floor court jacket will be incorporated into the court jackets maintained on the 1st floor at Kaahumanu Hale Circuit Court, and a duplicate court jacket will be made for your law firm at the Family Court (Kapolei). RG-LC-508 (8/2015)