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Document Checklist For Uncontested Divorce by Affidavit(Without Minor and/or Dependent Children)This is just a checklist. For instruction on how to fill out and file the documents, please refer to theINSTRUCTIONS that accompany this checklist. In this checklist, 223You224 are the Plaintiff, and the223Defendant224 is your spouse. A.FIRST: File these at the Legal Documents BranchTake these documents to the Legal Documents Branch located on the first floor of the Ronald T.Y.Moon Kapolei Courthouse at 4675 Kapolei Parkway or the first floor of Ka221ahumanu Hale, 777Punchbowl Street. A Court clerk will file-stamp each document, keep the original for the Court222s file anda copy for their use, and return the remaining 2 copies to you. Applicable filing fees are due at this time.NAME OF DOCUMENTHOWMANYSIGNED BYCOMMENTS223COMPLAINT FORDIVORCE; AUTOMATICRESTRAINING ORDER;AND SUMMONS TOANSWER COMPLAINT Original +4 copiesComplaintis signedby YouThis document opens your divorce case. TheDocuments Clerk will assign a case number and filestamp your documents. If the Automatic Restraining Order submitted is notthe Court form (available at Ho221okele, the FamilyCourt Service Center or at the Judiciary222s website at, your documents will bereferred to a Judge for review and can be picked upat Window 5 in two weeks.223MATRIMONIAL ACTIONINFORMATION (MAI)Original +2 copiesYouComplete all sections of this document. If you donot know the information requested write unknown,do not leave blank.223NOTICE TO ATTENDKIDS FIRST(If applicable)Original +2 copiesDocumentsClerkThis form must be completed if Plaintiff orDefendant has minor children from this or any otherrelationship. The Documents Clerk will assign youa date to attend the Kids First Program. You must properly serve your spouse with a filed copy of the Complaint for Divorce;Automatic Restraining Order; and Summons to Answer Complaint and the Notice to AttendKids First (if applicable).FC Adm 8/6/18Page 1 of 4 pagesDOCUMENT CHECKLIST1F-P-1092In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, and other applicable state and federal laws, if yourequire accommodation for a disability, please contact the ADA Coordinator at the First Circuit Family Court office bytelephone at 954-8200, fax 954-8308, or via email at at least ten (10) days prior to yourhearing or appointment date.Please call the Family Court Service Center at 954-8290 if you have any questions about forms or procedures. American LegalNet, Inc. NAME OF DOCUMENTHOWMANYSIGNEDBYCOMMENTS223PROOF OFSERVICEOriginal +2 copiesDocumentServerThis document must be completed by the person whopersonally delivers a filed copy of the Complaint for Divorce;Automatic Restraining Order; and Summons to AnswerComplaint to your spouse. The person who serves mustcomplete the date, time and place that your spouse wasserved. 223MOTION FORSERVICE BY MAILANDDECLARATION;ORDER FORSERVICE BY MAILOriginal+2 copiesYouThis form must be completed and the court must approve it,before you can mail a certified copy of the Complaint forDivorce; Automatic Restraining Order; and Summons toAnswer Complaint to your spouse who does not live on thisisland. This form is required even if your spouse is willing tosign an Appearance and Waiver. Failure to obtain theCourt222s permission to mail to your spouse may result in adelay in your divorce. A certified of the Complaint forDivorce; Automatic Restraining Order; and Summons toAnswer Complaint must be mailed by certified/registeredmail, return receipt requested, restricted delivery toaddressee only.B.Fill in the case number and complete the following documents. The documents should be filed at the Legal Documents Branch located on the first floor of the Ronald T.Y. MoonKapolei Courthouse at 4675 Kapolei Parkway or the first floor of Ka221ahumanu Hale, 777Punchbowl Street:NAME OF DOCUMENTHOWMANYSIGNEDBYCOMMENTS223INCOME ANDEXPENSESTATEMENT OFPLAINTIFFOriginal+ 3 copiesYouThe information on these documents should be currentwithin 60 day of the date that you place your case for reviewby the judge. If any major changes have occurred thedocument(s) should be amended to reflect the changes. Youand your spouse may prepare a joint Asset and DebtStatement which can be signed and dated by both of you.223ASSET AND DEBTSTATEMENTOriginal+ 3 copiesYou (andyourspouse) if for BothParties223INCOME ANDEXPENSESTATEMENT OFDEFENDANTOriginal+ 3 copiesSpouseIf these forms are not submitted by your spouse, you mustexplain why in paragraph 10c of the Affidavit of Plaintiff (forUncontested Divorce).223ASSET AND DEBTSTATEMENT OFDEFENDANTOriginal+ 3 copiesSpouseFC Adm 8/6/18Page 2 of 4 pagesDOCUMENT CHECKLIST1F-P-1092 American LegalNet, Inc. NAME OF DOCUMENTHOWMANYSIGNEDBYCOMMENTS223APPEARANCE ANDWAIVEROriginal+ 3 copiesSpouseYour spouse must receive a file-stamped copy of theComplaint for Divorce; Automatic Restraining Order; andSummons to Answer Complaint and sign the DivorceDecree before he or she can sign this document. 223APPEARANCE ANDWAIVEROriginal+ 3 copiesSpouseYour spouse must receive a file-stamped copy of theComplaint for Divorce; Automatic Restraining Order; andSummons to Answer Complaint and sign the DivorceDecree before he or she can sign this document. 223PROOF OFSERVICEOriginal+ 3 copiesDocumentServerIf the file-stamped copy of the Complaint for Divorce;Automatic Restraining Order; and Summons to AnswerComplaint was personally delivered to your spouse, theperson who delivered those documents must complete thedate, time and place where your spouse was served andsign and date this document.223STATEMENT OFMAILING; EXHIBITS1 and 2Original+ 3 copiesYouAttach the Certified or Registered Mail Receipt as Exhibit2231" and the Domestic Return Receipt or the Return Receiptfor International Mail as Exhibit 2232". Attach the exhibitpage to the back of the Statement of Mailing page. (NOTE: You must obtain the Court222s permission before youcan mail the initial documents to your spouse.C.Fill in the case number and complete the following document. The document should be filed at theLegal Documents Branch located on the first floor of the Ronald T.Y. Moon Kapolei Courthouse at4675 Kapolei Parkway or the first floor of Ka221ahumanu Hale, 777 Punchbowl Street:NAME OF DOCUMENTHOWMANYSIGNEDBYCOMMENTS223AFFIDAVIT OFPLAINTIFF(FORUNCONTESTEDDIVORCE)Original+3 copiesYou(Signedbefore anotary public)This document is a sworn statement that you must signbefore a notary public. It requires that you provide various information and dates. Do not complete this documentuntil all required documents and attendance at the KidsFirst Program, if applicable, has been completed. D.The following documents are needed to place your uncontested divorce by affidavit packeton the calendar for review by the judge. This packet must be dropped at Judicial Services,Window #5 on the 1st floor at the Ronald T.Y. Moon Kapolei Courthouse or in the JudicialServices court jacket located in the Legal Documents Office on the 1st floor at theKa221ahumanu Hale, 777 Punchbowl St.NAME OF DOCUMENTHOW MANYCOMMENTS223DIVORCE DECREE (WITHOUT MINOR and/orDEPENDENT CHILDREN)Original+ at least 3 copiesYour spouse222s signature is required if you are getting adivorce by agreement and your spouse must have signed anAppearance and Waiver. Your spouse222s signature is notrequired if your are proceeding by default.FC Adm 8/6/18Page 3 of 4 pagesDOCUMENT CHECKLIST1F-P-1092 American LegalNet, Inc. NAME OF DOCUMENTHOWMANYCOMMENTS223AFFIDAVIT OFPLAINTIFF (FOR UNCONTESTEDDIVORCE) 1 filed- stampedcopyYou, your spouse and any minor children 6 years - 17 years,must have attended the Kids First Program or have been excusedfrom attending before you can complete this document. 223INCOME AND EXPENSESTATEMENT OFPLAINTIFF 1 filed- stampedcopyThe information on these documents should be current within 60day of the date that you place your case for review by the judge. If any major changes have occurred the document(s) should beamended to reflect the changes.