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CASE NUMBERFAMILY COURT ORDER FOR PERSONAL FC-A NO. FIRST CIRCUIT SERVICE WITHOUT THE STATE STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of Adoption of 002A [ ]MALE [ ]FEMALE CHILD, 002Born on:002 A [ ]MALE [ ]FEMALE CHILD, 002Born on:002 A [ ]MALE [ ]FEMALE CHILD, 002Born on:002 A [ ]MALE [ ]FEMALE CHILD, 002Born on:002 by [ ]the legal spouse of [ ]and [ ]the child(ren)'s legal parent [ ]husband and wife [ ]an unmarried person Petitioner(s). It appearing from the petition and affidavit that personal service without the State of the annexed notice is appropriate and reasonable, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as follows: Hearing of the petition for adoption shall be had at the time and place set forth in the notice. Service of the petition, affidavit, notice of time and place of hearing and this order may be made by personal delivery to and service upon the nonconsenting parent named in the notice by any officer or adult person authorized to effect service of legal process under the laws of the State in which the nonconsenting parent now resides; and the person who serves such papers shall transmit to this Court an affidavit showing the time, place and manner of service of such papers which shall constitute proof of service under the terms of this order. DATE JUDGE'S SIGNATURE ORDER FOR PERSONAL SERVICE WITHOUT THE STATE 08/07/01 American LegalNet, Inc.