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[ ]Plaintiff/Petitioner, Pro Se [ ] Defendant/Respondent, Pro Se [ ]Attorney for [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAI`I ) FC- NO. Plaintiff/Petitioner, ) ) ) MOTION TO SET AND NOTICE OF MOTION ) vs. ) Attached hereto: ) [ ] Position Statement [ ] Income and Expense Statement ) [ ] Asset and Debt Statement [ ] Child Support Guidelines ) [ ] Proposed Asset and Debt Division Chart ) [ ] Certificate of Service Defendant/Respondent. ) MOTION TO SET AND NOTICE OF MOTION TO: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at the date, time and place indicated below, before the Presiding Judge, the undersigned will move that this case be set for trial at a certain time. Pursuant to Hawai`i Family Court Rule 94(a), the undersigned states that an attempt to settle the issues in this case has been made and has been unsuccessful, that all necessary or proper preliminary proceedings, including all discoveries allowed by statute or rule and desired by movant have been completed by the movant, or that there is sufficient time to American LegalNet, Inc. complete the same before trial, that the other party has had a reasonable opportunity to complete all preliminary proceedings including discovery, and that the case is otherwise ready for trial. You are to file with the Court and serve the movant with a Position Statement and Income and Expense and Asset and Debt Statements no later than seven (7) days before the hearing date indicated below. The failure of the party to submit Position Statements and Income and Expense and Asset and Debt Statements may be subject to the sanctions set forth in Hawai`i Family Court Rule 37(b), including the entry of a default judgment. DATE: TIME: PLACE: FAMILY COURT, SECOND CIRCUIT HOAPILI HALE, COURTROOM NO. 2145 MAIN STREET, 3rd Floor, WAILUKU, HAWAI`I 96793 JUDGE: PRESIDING JUDGE Date Signature [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent [ ] Attorney for [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, and other applicable state and federal laws, if you require an accommodation for a disability when working with a court program, service or activity, please contact the ADA Coordinator at the Family Court Administration Office at PHONE NO. (808) 244-2700, FAX (808) 244-2704 or at least ten (10) working days before your proceeding, hearing or appointment date. For all Civil related matters, please call 244-2706 or visit the Service Center at 2145 Main Street, Room 141, Wailuku, HI 96793 American LegalNet, Inc.