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STATE OF HAWAI324I FAMILY COURT SECOND CIRCUIT SCHEDULING ORDER FOR POST-DECREE RELIEF CASE NUMBER FC037 NO. PLAINTIFF, VS. DEFENDANT. Name, Address and Telephone number of 002 Movant Attorney for Movant: 002 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as follows: [ ] 1. Both parties shall appear at the Family Court of the Second Circuit, Hoapili Hale, 2145 Main Street, Wailuku, Hawai217i for a hearing on this motion on at in Courtroom 3B. [ ] 2. No later than forty-eight (48) hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the first hearing on this motion the Respondent shall (a) provide the Movant with a copy of his or her two (2) most recent pay statements, last W-2 statement, and last federal individual income tax return, and (b) file with the Court and provide to the Movant current Income and Expense and Asset and Debt statements; provided, however, if the first hearing on this motion is scheduled within five (5) working days of the Respondent220s receipt of this motion the Respondent shall bring these things to the hearing. DATE CLERK/JUDGE OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require a reasonable accommodation or special assistance, please contact the ADA Coordinator at PHONE NO. 244-2700 at least ten (10) days prior to your appearance date. Reprographics (0/10) 2F-P-337 American LegalNet, Inc.