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IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT002 STATE OF HAWAI221I002 ) FC-DA NO. ) ) TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Petitioner, ) ) Hearing Date: vs. ) ) ) Judge: Presiding Judge ) THIS ORDER EXPIRES ON: ) Respondent. ) TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Based upon the Ex Parte Petition for a Temporary Restraining Order for Protection and Statement of the Petitioner and pursuant to HRS Section 586-4(c), the Court finds there is probable cause to believe that a past act or acts of abuse have occurred, or that threats of abuse make it probable that acts of abuse by the Respondent may be imminent. It appears to the Court that a Temporary Restraining Order for Protection should be granted and is necessary to prevent acts of abuse or recurrence of actual domestic abuse by requiring that the parties be separated for a specific period. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Respondent appear before the Judge in the above-entitled proceeding at the date, time and place indicated in the attached Notice of Hearing to show cause why this temporary restraining order should not continue. [ ]003 The court also finds the Respondent owns, intends to obtain or possesses a firearm and that the firearm may be used to threaten, injure or abuse a person. -1255 2F-P-468 (Rev. 1-2017) American LegalNet, Inc. Respondent ABOVE NAMED This Order applies to you now!002 Read this entire Order carefully! THIS ORDER BECOMES EFFECTIVE ONCE IT HAS BEEN SIGNED AND FILED, THE002 ORDER REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR ONE-HUNDRED (180) DAYS UNLESS THE COURT002 CONTINUES OR TERMINATES IT.002 TO THE RESPONDENT002 YOU AND ANYONE ACTING ON YOUR BEHALF002 ARE ORDERED AS FOLLOWS:002 1.003 Do not threaten or physically abuse the Petitioner or anyone living with thePetitioner.2.003 Do not have any contact with the Petitioner, in person, in writing, by telephone,text message, voice message, instant message, email or communicating throughany social networking site, including where the lives goes to school If the Petitioner contacts you, do not reply. 3.003 Do not approach or come within 100 feet of the Petitioner.4.003 Do not visit or approach within 100 yards of any place where the Petitioner livesor works or goes to school. Do not violate this order even if the Petitioner invites you to be at the placewhere the Petitioner lives or works or goes to school. [ ]003 Immediately leave the residence located at: and do not go back until this order is changed. If you need personal items from the residence before the Court hearing, such as clothing, you may contact the Police Department within 24 hours of the service of this order. The Police Department is authorized to escort you to the residence to remove personal items one time, but only after the Police have notified the Petitioner. If you do not make these arrangements within 24 hours of service you shall not make or attempt any contact with the Petitioner. You may be at the residence only while a police officer is present. -2255 American LegalNet, Inc. [ ] Do not have contact with the following minor child(ren) of the parties:Child(ren)222s Names Birth Year [ ] Until there is a court hearing, have unsupervised visitation with the following minorchild(ren) of the parties as follows: Child(ren)222s Names Birth Year [ ]003 Until there is a court hearing, arrange for supervised visits with the following minor child(ren) of the parties through a third party, by telephoning: at . (Phone Number) Child(ren)222s Names Birth Year -3255 American LegalNet, Inc. [ ] Do not have any contact with the following people who live with Petitioner: Name Birth Year [ ] Do not have any contact with the following who are Petitioner222s family members who do not live with Petitioner: Name Relationship to Petitioner Birth Year [ ] Do not take, conceal, remove, threaten, physically abuse or otherwise dispose of the following animals belonging to the household: Name Species -4255 American LegalNet, Inc. -------------------------------------FIREARMS PROHIBITION-------------------------255IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to HRS Section 134-7(f), that Respondent is prohibited from possessing or controlling any firearm, ammunition, firearm permit or license for the duration of this order or extension thereof. All Permits/Licenses are hereby revoked. Respondent shall immediately turn over all firearms, ammunition, permits and/or licenses to a police officer or to the Maui Police Department for the duration of this order or extension thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT: 1.003 An officer of the Police Department shall personally serve the order and relateddocuments and shall accompany the Petitioner and assist the Petitioner in securingpossession of any dwelling or residence that the Respondent is ordered to vacate.Information on Respondent: Name: Address: Birth Year: Telephone No. Social Security Number: XXX-XX- At the show cause hearing, the parties will be allowed to testify, call and examine witnesses and give legal or factual reasons why these orders should or should not be continued to be in effect. Each party may be represented by a private lawyer and shall be prepared to proceed. ANY VIOLATION OF THIS TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER FOR PROTECTION IS A MISDEMEANOR AND PUNISHABLE BY A JAIL SENTENCE OF UP TO ONE YEAR AND/OR A FINE OF UP TO $1,000. [HRS Section 586-4(e)] DATED: , Hawai221i, . Judge of the above-entitled Court -5255 2F-P-468 (Rev. 1-2017) American LegalNet, Inc.