Exhibit List
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Exhibit List Form. This is a Hawaii form and can be use in 3rd Circuit - Hawaii Local County.
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Tags: Exhibit List, 3DC23, Hawaii Local County, 3rd Circuit - Hawaii
Form# 3DC23 statE of hawai`i district court of thE third circuit division Plaintiff(s) Exhibit list do not filE with court Civil Number Plaintiff(s)/Plaintiff(s)' Attorney (Name, Attorney Number, Firm Name (if applicable), Address, Telephone and Facsimile Numbers) Defendant(s) Defendant(s)/Defendant(s)' Attorney (Name, Attorney Number, Firm Name (if applicable), Address, Telephone and Facsimile Numbers) Date of Trial or Hearing: offeReD foR iDentification ReceiveD in eviDence WithDRaWn *Designation of iDentification coDes _____ Plaintiff _____ DefenDant Date DescRiPtion of exhibit R = RetuRneD D = DestRoyeD otheR comments In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act , and other applicable state and Federal laws, if you require an accommodation for your disability when working with a court program, service, or activity please contact the ADA Coordinator at PHoNe No. (808) 961-7424, FAX (808) 961-7411, or TTY (808) 961-7422 at least (10) working days before your preceeding, hearing, or appointment date. For all Civil related matters, please call or visit the District Court at: Hilo Division, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Ph. (808) 961-7515 · Kohala Division, 67-5187 Kamamalu Street, Kamuela, Ph. (808) 443-2030 · Kona Division, 79-1020 Haukapila Street, Kealakekua, Ph. (808) 322-8700. Exhibit list PAge ________ oF ______ PAge(s) * Plaintiff(s) to label exhibits in numerical order. example: Plaintiff(s) -- 1, 2, 3, etc. Defendant(s) to label exhibits in alphabetical order. example: Defendant(s) -- A, B, C, etc. A completed list and all exhibit(s) shall be presented to the Court at the time of trial or hearing. CommonLook® 508 Certified Reprographics (09/09) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 3D-P-274