General Excise-Use Tax Form
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General Excise-Use Tax Form. This is a Hawaii form and can be use in Department Of Taxation Statewide.
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Tags: General Excise-Use Tax Form, G-45, Hawaii Statewide, Department Of Taxation
G45F 2018A 01 VID99 ID NO 99 American LegalNet, Inc. þ Column a þ þ Column b þ Column c þ BUSINESS þ VALUES, GROSS PROCEEDS þ EXEMPTIONS/DEDUCTIONS þ TAXABLE INCOME þ ACTIVITIES þ OR GROSS INCOME þ (Attach Schedule GE) þ (Column a minus Column b) PART III - INSURANCE COMMISSIONS @ .15% (.0015) þ Enter this amount on line 26, Column c þ þ 18PART IV - COUNTY SURCHARGE 227 Enter the amounts from Part II, line 17, Column c attributable to each county. Multiply Column c by the applicable county rate(s) and enter the total of the result(s) on Part VI, line 27, Column e. 19. þ Oahu (rate = .005) þ 19 20. þ Maui þ þ 20 21. þ Hawaii (rate = .0025) þ þ 21 22. þ Kauai (rate = .005) þ þ 22 18. þ Insurance þ Commissions NameHawaii Tax I.D. No.Last 4 digits of your FEIN or SSNPERIOD ENDING G45F 2018A 02 VID99 ID NO 99 American LegalNet, Inc.