Application For Unclaimed Funds And Order Thereon
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Application For Unclaimed Funds And Order Thereon Form. This is a Idaho form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Application For Unclaimed Funds And Order Thereon, Idaho Federal, Bankruptcy Court
Rv. 7/98 Application & Order for Unclaimed FundsUSBC District of IdahoUNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTDISTRICT OF IDAHOIn re)Case No.))APPLICATION FOR UNCLAIMED ) FUNDS AND ORDER THEREON Debtor(s)) I, the undersigned applicant, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States ofAmerica declare (or certify, verify or state) that the following statements and information are true andcorrect:1. I am making application to receive the total amount of $ which is the sum of all moniesdeposited with the Court by the case trustee on the following date(s) on behalf ofthe creditor . 2. (Please check and complete the applicable subparagraph below): A. I am the creditor named in paragraph 1. B. I am an employee of the creditor named in paragraph 1 and my title is . The creditor is still legallyentitled to the monies and I am authorized by the creditor to file this petition. C. I am the lawful attorney-in-fact for the creditor named in paragraph 1 and I am duly authorized by the attached original powerof attorney to file this application. I am aware of all pertinent state law requirements regarding such powers of attorney, andacknowledge that I am solely responsible for payment of these funds to the creditor. The following is the creditor's address andphone number, and a brief history of the creditor (from filing of the claim to present) which includes, if applicable, identification ofany sale of the company and the new and prior owners(s). D. Subparagraphs A,B & C above do not apply, but I am entitled to payment of such monies because (state basis for your claim):3. I understand that, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 247 152, I shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, orboth, if I have knowingly and fraudulently made any false statements in this document.DATE executed by Applicant: Applicant222s Signature Type or Print Applicant's Name ( ) Applicant's AddressTelephone NumberFunds are available and a copy of this document was mailed to the U.S. Attorney, Box 32, Boise ID 83707 on by theBankruptcy Court Financial Administrator .IT IS SO ORDERED.DATED: U.S. BANKRUPTCY JUDGE American LegalNet, Inc.